BCT “news” article – 4/6/13


This page was last updated on April 10, 2013.

Nuclear safety net: Scientists skeptical of industry compliance; Rachel Morgan; Beaver County Times; April 6, 2013.  This article appeared on the front page of the BCT print edition.

Ms. Morgan writes for multiple Calkins Media properties, including Shalereporter.com (See below.).

Below is a detailed critique of portions of this column.

This isn’t as much a critique of the piece as it is an example of media bias.  Keep in mind the subject article is presented as a news article, not opinion.

As noted above, Ms. Morgan also writes for Shalereporter.com.  If you’re not up to speed on Shalereporter.com, Calkins Media established Shalereporter.com to feed Calkins properties like the BCT with anti-Marcellus “news” and editorial pieces.  You can learn more about Shalereporter.com here.

Anyone who simply reads the title is led to believe scientists in general are skeptical of industry compliance.  What observant readers learn, however, is Ms. Morgan based her article on a report by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS).  The UCS claims it is “Citizens and Scientists for Environmental Solutions.”  If that doesn’t tell you where the UCS political interests lie, consider this report title: “How Corporations Corrupt Science at the Public’s Expense.”  If you are still wondering, consider the UCS position on nuclear power.  While the UCS claims it is neither pro- nor anti-nuclear power, a quick read of UCS pieces makes that claim hard to swallow.  It’s like what the BCT did regarding a government-run, taxpayer-funded healthcare monopoly.  For years, the BCT claimed it opposed such an operation then turned around and supported Obamacare, calling it an “Ethical standard.”

I hope I’m not bursting anyone’s bubble, but scientists routinely inject their politics into their allegedly scientific positions.  The idea a report by “scientists” is by definition apolitical is a myth many people, including the BCT, like to hide behind.  The religion of manmade global warming is only one example.

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