Post-Gazette Editorial – 11/7/06

This page was last updated on November 7, 2006.

Saddam’s verdict: It’s hard to gauge the full impact of the decision; Editorial; Pittsburgh Post-Gazette; November 7, 2006.

Rather than do a point-by-point critique of this editorial, I’ll only make a few comments.

In this 474-word editorial, not once does the PG concede Saddam’s trial and conviction was a good thing.  Instead, the editorial did its best to portray the event as a yawner at best.

This reminds me of Howard Dean – then the front-runner for the Democrat presidential nomination – in 2003 when he downplayed the significance of Saddam Hussein’s capture.

Will Saddam’s conviction and his eventual execution represent a watershed event in Iraq?  I don’t know.  What I do know, however, is it’s a significant accomplishment for the sovereign government and people of Iraq.

In comparison, a darling of liberals, the World Court in The Hague, couldn’t even complete the trial of Slobodan Milosevic in four years.  Milosevic died of natural causes while in custody during his trial.

The only way you can downplay the trial and conviction of Saddam Hussein is if you are so blindly partisan you can’t admit anything is good if it may reflect well on your political opponents.

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