Post-Gazette Editorial – 5/21/07

This page was last updated on May 21, 2007.

Hateful crime: Murder is murder -- with no distinctions; Editorial; Pittsburgh Post-Gazette; May 21, 2007.

Rather than do a point-by-point critique of the editorial, I just want to make a few points.

First, just as I noted I agreed with a Beaver County Times editorial on this subject, heaven knows I jump on editorials when I believe they are wrong, so it’s only fair I note when I agree with the PG on a position.  The PG is taking a decidedly unliberal position on this issue.

Second, just as with the Times editorial, I have a few nits to pick.

The PG leads off with “In the best liberal tradition, this newspaper has supported the rights of women, gays and minorities to have the legal protections that Americans unaccustomed to prejudice have long assumed as their birthright.”  As the commercial says, not exactly.  It is conservatism that supports the same rights for everyone.  It is liberalism that groups people and then attempts to give them special treatment to keep them inside the walls.  Affirmative action/diversity policies are just one example.

Third, the editorial couldn’t bring itself to admit it agrees with President Bush.  Not mentioning his name once, the editorial instead twice used “White House” instead of President Bush’s name.  How childish.

Fourth, the editorial failed to note President Bush has opposed so-called hate crime bills since his days as governor of Texas.  While Texas governor, in 1999 Mr. Bush opposed a hate crime bill and as a result the bill was not passed by the Texas legislature.

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