Tina Shannon – 6/15/16


This page was last updated on August 15, 2016.

I’m not big anti-gun, but …; Tina Shannon; Facebook; June 15, 2016.

Mrs. Shannon (TS) is chairperson/president of Beaver County Reds; her life partner is treasurer.  You can learn more about BCR’s leftster management here.  “Leftster” is the combination of leftist and gangster, inspired by the left-originated “bankster.”

I previous reviewed “I am so over football.”

They know they can’t win if they don’t lie #15. (links to the other episodes in this series)

TS published a link to a DailyChaos graphic in an effort to take political advantage of the murder of 49 people by Omar Mir Seddique Mateen (OMSM) in an Orlando LGBT bar.  That graphic reads,

“I’m not big anti-gun, but I just think there should be some regulations just in case.  Like the same way I can’t drive a NASCAR down the street, I shouldn’t be able to have a machine gun in my house across the street from the school. – Chris Rock”

TS knows OMSM did not use a machine gun (multiple shots per trigger-pull); both of his firearms were one-trigger-pull-per-shot weapons.  TS also knows federal law “bars private individuals from transferring or acquiring machine guns except those lawfully possessed and registered before May 19, 1986.”  “Summary of State & Federal Machine Gun Laws” outlines the extensive federal laws regarding machine guns as of 2009.  State laws mentioned refer to Connecticut law.  Pennsylvania law prohibits machine gun ownership that violates federal law.

This is a good time to remind folks there is no “gun show loophole,” at least in PA.  A licensed dealer must perform background checks for all firearm sales whether he makes the sale/transfer at a gun show or in his store.  Private-party (not a dealer) sales of “long guns” do not require a background check, whether or not the sale occurs at a gun show.

If you’re Latino and/or LGBTQ and think so-called “progressives” care about you, think again.  Review TS’s Facebook page starting immediately after the Orlando murders through at least 6/29/16 and you will find she jumped on “machine guns,” so-called “assault rifles,” “violent oppressive religious fundamentalism of all denominations,” “Our government’s fostering of Al Queada [sic],” and so on.  The other thing you’ll find is TS found no time to mention the 49 slain (mostly LBGTQ and Latino) and their murderer (Muslim Afghan-American).  “Violent oppressive religious fundamentalism of all denominations?”  This must be in reference to the murdering hordes of Christians and Jews sweeping across the world.  The claim President Obama is “fostering … Al Queada [sic]” surprised me.  If a righty made this claim, lefties would accuse him of racism and believing Mr. Obama is a secret Muslim.

In comparison, it took TS only a day to post a comment about Dylann Roof murdering nine people.  Within several days, TS published another seven comments.  Translation: On the leftist totem pole of concern, Latinos and LBGTQs are somewhere below blacks, gun control, and Muslim Afghan-Americans.

In Peace, Friendship, Community, Cooperation, and Solidarity. <g>

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