BCT Editorial – 1/11/09

This page was last updated on January 13, 2009.

Tough sell; Editorial; Beaver County Times; January 11, 2009.

The editorial subtitle is “Obama must persuade Americans and Congress to reform entitlements.”

“In the coming weeks and months, in the midst of all the hype and headlines, please keep the following in mind - there is no Social Security crisis.”  That’s the leadoff sentence in the Times editorial entitled “Wrong crisis” of January 24, 2005.  I encourage people to read all of “Wrong crisis” and compare it with this editorial.  Then, ask yourself what – or more accurately who – has changed since then.

This is yet another example (“profligacy” is another) showing the Times “position” on an issue appears to change depending on the political party of the President and the political party of the majority in Congress.

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