BCT Editorial – 3/8/09

This page was last updated on March 8, 2009.

New wave; Editorial; Beaver County Times; March 8, 2009.

The editorial subtitle is “Today’s immigrants will have same impact as their predecessors did.”

The editorial says, “We’re seeing that nativism again today in the fierce reaction of the right to the growing presence of so many immigrants, legal and illegal, and the impact they are having on the nation.”  This is simply part of the continuing smear of the right as a bunch of bigots, racists, et cetera.  The problem, of course, is it’s the left that groups people (by sex, skin color, economic status, etc.) and then uses those groups as the basis for granting/revoking privileges.  What is more discriminatory than that?  One last point.  If the right so opposes immigration, why did then-President Bush and Sen. John McCain both team with Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) to write an immigration “reform” bill?  Despite a Democrat-majority Congress, the bill failed because it amounted to amnesty for illegal aliens, and Americans – both Democrat and Republican – didn’t believe in rewarding people whose first contact with the U.S. was to break its laws and continue to break them.

I suspect the Times would consider me to be a right wing extremist and I haven’t heard anyone complain about legal immigrants.  Heck, most of the people I know had at least one grandparent who was an immigrant, including me.  The issue – with both the right and rank-and-file Democrats – is about illegal aliens and the Times knows it.  In case the Times hasn’t noticed, local Democrats have written letters to the editor and posted comments on the website complaining about illegal immigration.

Among previous editorials on this topic are “Stoop labor,” “American dreamers,” “A connection,” “Why the fuss?,” “Return of the nativists,” “Puzzling,” and “Have faith.”

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