BCT Editorial – 3/29/09

This page was last updated on March 29, 2009.

A BIG deal; Editorial; Beaver County Times; March 29, 2009.

The editorial subtitle is “Charges against Veon are an indictment of how Harrisburg operates.”

As you read the editorial, keep in mind the following.  A search of editorials back through 2005 found none remotely questioning the motive of BIG even though its political purpose was obvious to everyone.  Indeed, even this editorial asserts “Beaver Initiative for Growth [was] an economic development entity that was formed by [former state Rep. Mike] Veon and former state Sen. Gerald LaValle.”

Are we to believe the Times didn’t know something was wrong with BIG a long time ago?  Heck, even I knew something was wrong shortly after I started this website.  As I noted in a letter critique back in 2005, “According to the commonwealth DCED, BIG has received over $3.5 million via ‘grants’ since 1/1/2002.  According to the report, how many jobs do you think our $3.5 million generated?  Zero, zip, none.”

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