BCT Editorial – 12/4/09

This page was last updated on December 5, 2009.

Double-dip recession; Editorial; Beaver County Times; December 4, 2009.

First, the Times ignores history since at least FDR when it believes government spending of taxpayer dollars can end a recession.  It does exactly the opposite.

Second, despite the fact that little of the so-called stimulus debt has been spent, the Times credits it with the real or imagined improvements in the economy it claims.

Third, though the Times is quick to point out the alleged hypocrisy of some Republicans, it ignores its own massive flip-flop since President Obama’s election.  When it comes to taking positions, the Times editorial authors appear to have the split personality characteristics of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde or Two-Face.

For at least the last four years preceding the 2008 election, and likely from the first day of the Bush administration, Times editorials constantly and correctly complained about federal deficit spending, the country’s growing debt, and the burden that debt puts on us and future generations.  Referring to these complaints as crocodile tears, I questioned the motives in my critiques because Times editorials concurrently lobbied for more spending on just about every proposal that came down the pike.  As I’ve noted previously, since we elected President Obama, Times editorials now support deficit spending.  Six previous examples are “Last resort,” “Limited options,” “Budget crunch,” “Making the grade,” “Failing grade,” and “Move it along.”

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