BCT Editorial – 5/26/10


This page was last updated on May 27, 2010.

Innovations in education; Editorial; Beaver County Times; May 26, 2010.

The editorial speaks well of “BVIU’s Regional Choice Initiative, which is funded through a five-year, $9 million federal grant that was awarded in 2007.”  What’s missing is any mention of the “$9 million federal grant” is debt for U.S. taxpayers to pay off.  Are we to forget those editorials crying crocodile tears about deficit spending and debt?  What’s also missing is any recognition that education funding is not a constitutional responsibility of the federal government.

The editorial also speaks positively of the Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School and the Lincoln Park Performing Arts Charter School.  This is interesting given Times editorials appear to express a dislike for charter schools.

Finally, we’re told because of these programs “it will become easier to sell Beaver County as a whole as an attractive place to live and work.”  Come on, guys.  This is the same “build it and they will come” song we’re sung about every piece of government spending.  These folks will never admit the key is maximizing effective individual liberty and that’s done with limited government.

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