BCT Editorial – 3/16/11


This page was last updated on March 16, 2011.

Quick hits; Editorial; Beaver County Times; March 16, 2011.

“POUND FOOLISH” says, “In the penny wise and pound foolish category, the spending plan being pushed by congressional Republicans would cut $126 million from the National Weather Service’s budget.  That agency just happens to run the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Japan, which issued warnings just after Friday’s earthquake and provided updates throughout the day.”  According to NOAA (the NWS parent), the NWS total annual budget is about $1 billion.  The Times wants us to believe the alleged $126 million would be taken from “the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Japan.”  Does the Times really expect us to believe the NWS is 100% efficient and/or every other NWS activity is of greater importance than the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center?

This is the second time this week a Times editorial bashed proposed budget cuts.  On Sunday it was Gov. Tom Corbett’s budget.  Remember this the next time the Times cries crocodile tears about deficits and debt (here and here).

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