Jayne Berresford – 6/14/16


This page was last updated on June 14, 2016.

How is Trump a step in the right direction?; Jayne Berresford; Beaver County Times; June 14, 2016.

This appears to be the sixth letter from Ms. Berresford.  Previous Berresford letters I critiqued were entitled “Repairs take time,” “Congress doesn’t have nation’s best interest” and “Help, don’t hinder.”  The previous letters I didn’t critique were entitled “Birth control not important issue” and “‘Our employees’ should live like us.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

Letter writer Thomas Hughes is right about one thing: I would like to see a change in our government, many changes.”

[RWC] Interesting.  In the Berresford letters I reviewed (all in 2012), Ms. Berresford was clearly an Obama fangirl.  What happened in the last four years?

“I must ask though, in what way is Donald Trump a step in the right direction?  He has insulted and belittled everyone from women to war heroes and just about every race in this country.  He is continually making promises he can’t possibly keep.  My biggest fear is the way he runs his mouth when someone disagrees with him, there are many countries who will not tolerate his insults.  I fear we’d be in another war very soon after he took office.”

[RWC] Regarding insults, President Obama claimed “the Cambridge police acted stupidly” when one of his buddies was arrested.  While pushing Obamacare, Mr. Obama accused doctors of performing unnecessary amputations and tonsillectomies to line their pockets.

In the “making promises he can’t possibly keep” category, does Ms. Berresford mean something like we can keep the doctor we want, we can keep our current medical insurance if we want, and “we’ll [President Obama] lower [medical insurance] premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year?”

“I’m sorry sir but I think those who think Trump would make things better would be very very disappointed should he actually become president.  He can’t just stomp his foot or pound his hands and yell ‘You’re fired’ when Congress doesn’t give him his way.”

[RWC] If Mr. Trump follows in the footsteps of Mr. Obama, he would issue executive orders “when Congress doesn’t give him his way.”

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