Katheryn M. Bliton – 3/28/17


This page was last updated on April 24, 2017.

Let your federal officials know you are concerned; Katheryn M. Bliton (KMB); Beaver County Times; March 28, 2017.

The only previous Bliton letter I critiqued was “Losing touch with reality.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Congratulations to letter writer Linda Vetterly and Jayne Berresford for having the courage of their convictions in making public their opinions of the actions and policies of our current president.  Both had letters to the editor published in last week’s papers, and they each concerned topics and opinions that many, many people agree with, but would never make public.”

[RWC] Since when did it take “courage” to write letters-to-the-editor?

“I, too, am very concerned about the erratic behavior, the policies, the appointments and the non-appointments in the federal government.  These non-appointments are to positions that need to be filled for the important work that the government is supposed to do.  Cabinet appointees cannot accomplish the needed work without a staff to carry out decisions and policies.  Maybe that lack of appointees is a tactic in itself.”

[RWC] KMB didn’t identify the alleged “non-appointments … to positions that need to be filled for the important work that the government is supposed to do”

“Once again, I urge all concerned citizens to contact your federal representatives to let them know what your thoughts are in these very difficult and uncertain times.”

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