David R. Busang – 5/10/12


This page was last updated on May 11, 2012.

President advised by idiots?; David R. Busang; Beaver County Times; May 10, 2012.

Including this one, the BCT has published at least 24 Busang letters since 2004 and I critiqued nine of them.  One of those letters praised the educational value of Times editorials (Yes, he was serious.), one bashed then-Sen. Santorum for voting the way Mr. Busang wanted him to vote, and another tried to exonerate Sen. Bob Casey, Jr., for his role in the 2005 PA payjacking.  You can find additional critiques in the critique archives.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“To President Obama,

“Please, even if the village idiot was the president of the United States presented with a proposed military operation supported by credible intelligence to eliminate Osama bin Laden, he would have had enough sense to approve such an operation (no disrespect to the village idiot intended).

“This underscores that you are being advised by those with less sense than the village idiot, which in itself explains the policies of your administration.”

[RWC] The only purpose of this “critique” is to remind readers Mr. Busang’s letter-writing body of work indicates he’s a very partisan Democrat, not a Republican.  As a Democrat, by definition Mr. Busang’s opinions can’t be fueled by bigotry or racism.  Therefore, we must take his comments seriously.  Then again, perhaps Mr. Busang has really been a racist Republican impersonating a Democrat all these years.  Yes, those last three sentences were me having fun with lefties.

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