Tom Finch – 8/31/06

This page was last updated on August 31, 2006.

More Republican propaganda; Thomas Finch; Beaver County Times; August 31, 2006.

Mr. Finch’s letters never disappoint.  This letter is little more than a string of liberal talking points.  It’s at least the eighth anti-Bush letter from Mr. Finch since December 2004 and the third this month.  I wish he could get a regular column in the Times.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Once again, I’m amused to read another illogical, slanderous diatribe from a Rush-parrot (Paul Dici’s letter, ‘Democrats hate democracy’), spreading more Republican propaganda blaming Democrats for all the world’s evils.”

[RWC] Mr. Dici is getting what he deserves.  Of course, Mr. Finch threw away a golden opportunity and chose to write a ridiculous letter himself.

I have to give Mr. Finch “credit” for having the nerve to refer to anyone’s letter as “illogical.”  You know what I mean if you’ve read Mr. Finch’s previous rants.

I have a hard time believing Mr. Finch has any clue what Rush Limbaugh says.  Given the content of his letters, I believe Mr. Finch’s head would explode if he listened to Rush Limbaugh for more than a few seconds. <g>

I know this is being picky, but slander is spoken and libel is written.  Therefore, if Mr. Dici’s letter was anything, it was libelous, not “slanderous.”

“Contrary to his assertion that electing Democrats will require us to ‘go shopping for turbans,’ electing more Republicans will require us to don the chains of slavery, as we do master’s bidding at our no-benefit, minimum-wage jobs.”

[RWC] Which Republican positions result in slavery?  Whose nanny government programs encourage people to become dependent on government?

“Dici’s selective memory smears an honorable man like President Carter, who - by mishandling the Iran hostage crisis - allowed Republicans to regain power following the disgraceful Nixon/Ford years.  History will prove Carter to be far less ‘pathetic’ than Dici’s hero Bush.”

[RWC] Oh no, I can’t believe Mr. Finch actually tried to defend Jimmy Carter!  I guess Mr. Finch forgot about gasoline rationing and double-digit inflation, mortgage rates, and unemployment.  Let’s also remember Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal and enabled the takeover of Iran by Islamofascists.

Regarding calling Jimmy Carter “an honorable man,” I may have agreed before he started bashing President Bush “early and often.”  You did not hear former presidents Bush #1, Ford, Nixon, and Reagan bash sitting Democrat presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.  During his presidency, I felt Jimmy Carter was “an honorable man” who meant well but simply wasn’t up to the job.  Given his behavior in recent years, I now view Jimmy Carter as simply another bitter partisan without the class befitting a former president.

On a side point, what did Gerald Ford do that counts as “disgraceful?”

“Federal judges are governed by rules of law, not party affiliation.  But this corrupt, autocratic administration doesn’t care about separation of power, checks and balances, (crucial to the practice of democracy), the Bill of Rights or an open government.”

[RWC] As usual, Mr. Finch simply made a list of drive-by accusations but didn’t bother to provide supporting evidence.

“When challenged, they just shout ‘war on terror,’ ‘support our troops’ and ‘executive privilege’ to silence the opposition.  Our constitutional democracy is less apt to be victimized by terrorists than by governmental and corporate elites, seizing more wealth and power for their own interests.”

[RWC] When has opposition to the Bush administration been silenced?

Predictably, Mr. Finch claims terrorists are not the real problem, his view of the Bush administration is.

“Republicans learned how to use propaganda to instill nationalistic pride, gain control through fear (giving the masses an enemy to hate - terrorists, liberals, Democrats) and tell any lies necessary to consolidate executive power and stifle the opposition.”

[RWC] Republicans gave “the masses [terrorists] to hate?”

Again, when has the “opposition” been stifled?

“Getting governmental control away from these arrogant clowns is the only path left to restore America’s sanity and dignity.  Unless you’re wealthy or a Republican lobbyist/war profiteer, nothing can be gained by voting for them.”

[RWC] Ah, more name-calling.  As I’ve noted before, this is a sure sign of someone who cannot make his points using facts, logic, and the truth.

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