Tom Finch – 10/25/06

This page was last updated on October 25, 2006.

Vote straight Democratic; Tom Finch; Beaver County Times; October 25, 2006.

Mr. Finch’s letters never disappoint.  As usual, his letter is little more than a string of liberal talking points.  It’s at least the 10th anti-Bush and/or anti-Republican letter from Mr. Finch since December 2004 and the fifth since August 1st.  I wish he could get a regular column in the Times.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“It galls me to read illogical drivel from letter writer Bill Russell urging people to ‘vote straight Republican’ (Oct. 13).

[RWC] If you’ve followed Mr. Finch’s letters over the last couple of years, you’re probably getting a chuckle out of Mr. Finch accusing someone else of writing “illogical drivel.”

“Has he been living under a rock the last six years?  Wake up.  Turn off Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Fred Honsberger and Karl Rove’s propaganda machine.  The vast majority of Americans believe our country is on the wrong track.  Sorry, but that means voting for Democrats.”

[RWC] If Mr. Finch really believes Democrats have the solution, why did he write “Sorry?”

Note the liberal approach to the marketplace of ideas.  Instead of suggesting Mr. Russell also listen to outlets Mr. Finch likes (assuming he doesn’t already), Mr. Finch wants Mr. Russell to stop listening to outlets Mr. Finch doesn’t like.

“When you consider the lies, stupidity, corruption and constitutional abuse of the present administration, do you really expect me to believe that Democrats could do any worse?  Republicans claim moral superiority in smearing Democrats, while perpetrating their own scandalous and felonious behavior.”

[RWC] Note Mr. Finch didn’t provide any examples of “the lies, stupidity, corruption and constitutional abuse of the present administration.”  He expects us to buy into his drive-by accusations with no supporting evidence.

“[D]o you really expect me to believe that Democrats could do any worse?”  Another ringing endorsement.

“Josef Stalin once said, ‘The people who cast votes decide nothing; the people who count the votes decide everything.’”

[RWC] Is anyone surprised when a liberal quotes Stalin?

In any case, this would appear to be an indictment of Democrats in Beaver County.  Remember, Democrats control the counting (albeit with Republican observers) at the country level and Democrats control most precincts.  Is Mr. Finch admitting Democrats in Beaver County rig local vote counts to favor Democrats? <g>

“Evidence exists that by force, fraud and a wholly illegal relationship between the electronic voting system vendors and the GOP, the 2004 election was rigged to elect Bush.”

[RWC] If the evidence exists, why didn’t Mr. Finch present it?

“Free and honest elections are the cornerstone of democracy, but autocratic, wealthy Republicans would rather rule through money and lies.  Stop the corruption.  Vote straight Democratic.”

[RWC] When Mr. Finch wrote “[f]ree and honest elections are the cornerstone of democracy,” he really meant to write “[f]ree and honest elections are the cornerstone of democracy as long as Democrats win.” <g>  I suspect Mr. Finch believes any election won by a Republican was rigged.

“Stop the corruption?”  I guess Mr. Finch forgot about Rep. William Jefferson (D-LA) was videotaped accepting a $100,000 bribe and that $90,000 of the marked bills were found hidden in his home freezer.

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