Thomas M. Finch – 4/3/13


This page was last updated on April 5, 2013.

Blame Teapublicans; Thomas M. Finch; Beaver County Times; April 3, 2013.

The BCT has published at least 39 letters from Mr. Finch since December 2004.  At least 30 of these letters were anti-Bush and/or anti-Republican and they never disappoint.  Here is one example.  You can find the remaining Finch letters I critiqued in the critique archives.  As usual, this letter is little more than a string of leftist talking points.  I wish he could get a regular column in the BCT.  I also wish he could get at least five minutes per day on a local radio and/or TV station.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I agree with Leo Hegner’s letter that our nation needs more leadership from its elected officials, but his scurrilous attack on President Obama, comparing him to a 10-year-old bully, was short-sighted, demeaning and undeserved.”

[RWC] Mr. Finch forgot homophobic, racist, sexist, etc.  Feel free to add traits I omitted.  <g>

I wonder if Mr. Finch ever considered his name-calling attacks on then-President George W. Bush to be “scurrilous, … short-sighted, [and] demeaning.”  For example, Mr. Finch referred to then-President George W. Bush as “that smug, incompetent, lying warmonger” and likened Mr. Bush to Adolf Hitler when he wrote “the Fuhrer is never wrong.”  I could go on, but you get the idea.

“If you want to cast blame, put it on the Teapublicans in Congress who continue to obstruct any bi-partisan initiatives for progress, and insist on coddling the wealthy 1 percent by paying homage to Grover Norquist.”

[RWC] Mr. Finch doesn’t describe the “obstruct[ed] … initiatives for progress” or the “coddling [of] the wealthy 1 percent.”

For those of you who don’t know, Mr. Norquist is a boogeyman to leftists.  Mr. Norquist runs Americans for Tax Reform and constantly presses politicians to sign “taxpayer protection pledges” that oppose tax-rate increases for everyone.

“In case you have forgotten, the president got re-elected because America rejected Romney/Ryan’s lies and had no faith in their ability to lead this country.  Why should the president allow them to persist in advancing their outrageous, detrimental, policies, which have already been rejected?”

[RWC] Mr. Finch doesn’t describe the “Romney/Ryan’s lies” or the “outrageous, detrimental, policies, which have already been rejected.”

“The Teapublicans in Congress should be be [sic] compromising with him, not drawing lines in the sand and demanding concessions.  The president is showing leadership to his constituents by resisting their attempts at extortion, but he should be doing more.”

[RWC] Congress is supposed to represent the people, not acquiesce to the executive branch.  That’s why Congress can remove the President from office, but the President has no constitutional power over Congress.  Mr. Finch doesn’t describe the alleged “lines in the sand, … concessions, [and] extortion.”  Does Mr. Finch realize the President is president for all of us, not just for “his constituents?”

“Following the Newtown shootings, common sense dictated a ban on assault rifles and large ammo clips, but no one has the guts to defy the NRA’s money and scare tactics.  If you’re not allowed to hunt with it, we don’t need it.  I suggest Mr. Hegner put on his big-boy pants and stop his needless and unproductive name calling.”

[RWC] Mr. Finch needs a refresher course on the purpose of the Second Amendment.  Hint: It’s not about hunting and so on.  Please read my critiques of “A shaky ladder” and “Time for talking is over, gun control now” for more info on this topic.

You have to chuckle a bit when someone with Mr. Finch’s letter-writing body-of-work (See above.) admonishes someone to “stop his needless and unproductive name calling.”

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