Thomas M. Finch – 2/7/17


This page was last updated on February 11, 2017.

In Trump administration, hypocrisy reigns supreme; Thomas M. Finch; Beaver County Times; February 7, 2017.

The BCT has published at least 45 letters from Mr. Finch (TMF) since December 2004.  At least 31 of these letters were anti-Bush and/or anti-Republican and they never disappoint.  Here is one example.  You can find the remaining Finch letters I critiqued in the critique archives.  As usual, this letter is little more than a string of leftist talking points.  I wish he could get a regular column in the BCT.  I also wish he could get at least five minutes per day on a local radio and/or TV station.  The most recent letter I reviewed was “Trump wants the truth to be whatever he says it is.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“M.L. King once said that, ‘Right is right, and wrong is wrong, and never the twain shall meet …’  With the Trump White House -- led by the Steve Bannon — the very fabric of what this country was founded on is being torn asunder in the name of fear, bigotry and ‘safety.’  Except for the native Americans, all residents are ‘immigrants’ to this country.”

[RWC] I was unable to find a credible source to verify the alleged MLK quote.  The quote goes back at least as far as 1918 (about 11 years before MLK’s birth) when it was written by Clayton Hamilton (CH) in his piece “Art Inspired by the War” for “Munsey’s Magazine for ..., Volume 63.”

It’s possible CH and/or MLK and/or TMF repurposed Rudyard Kipling’s poem “The Ballad of East and West” (1889).  The poem leads off with “Oh, East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.”

I know it appears trivial, but if this “fact” is wrong, what about the rest of the letter?

Those whom TMF calls “native Americans” are descendants of immigrants just like the rest of us.  Unless TMF has a new theory about the origin of man, it appears the first human inhabitants of North and South America were immigrants who came here from northeastern Asia about 12,000 to 16,000 years ago

“For readers who fail to grasp the true meaning of the term ‘hypocrisy,’ let me give you a few examples.  Hypocrisy is when you campaign on bringing back ‘steel jobs’ while using foreign steel in construction projects.  Hypocrisy is when you claim Mexico will ‘pay for the wall,’ but then say ‘import tariffs will pay for it,’ knowing that those costs will be absorbed by the American people.  Hypocrisy is claiming your inauguration crowd was the ‘biggest ever,’ then continue to lie about it — then blame the media for spreading what you said was ‘fake news.’  Hypocrisy is when you claim that your cabinet appointments are the ‘best and the brightest’ of any cabinet ever assembled while knowing that most of them are incompetent hacks being rewarded for campaign favors who have obvious agendas to wreck their various departments.  Hypocrisy is when you claim that ‘illegal voters’ allowed Hillary Clinton to win the popular vote, even though she got 3 million more votes than you did.”

[RWC] Did anyone notice it appears TMF himself doesn’t “grasp the true meaning of the term ‘hypocrisy?’”  TMF’s first example was okay (probably luck) but the remainder were not.

“No matter how much you hate the Clintons, nothing justifies electing this demagogue and his corrupt cronies to the most powerful position in the world.”

[RWC] I neither “hate the Clintons” nor like them.  That said, I do hate their leftism and its effect on the Supreme Court (SC).  Here’s what I wrote in August 2016.

“I know exactly what HRC appointees will do to the Supreme Court and the damage it will do to our country for decades.  With DT there’s a chance our country won’t face that fate. 

“An HRC win likely means a Democrat majority in the Senate.  Should that happen, our country is screwed for decades.  HRC’s first Supreme Court (SC) appointment will take Justice Scalia’s seat, giving leftists the clear majority with five seats and no need to convince a swing justice to join them to get their way.  After that, two of the next four oldest justices are Clarence Thomas (68) and swing justice Anthony Kennedy (80).  Two (77 and 83) of the three oldest justices are lefties.  Even if HRC never gets a chance to appoint another righty replacement, she will likely get the chance to cement a leftist majority for decades simply by replacing existing lefty justices with much younger lefties.  Should this happen, the SC will turn into a de facto leftist legislature and the only way to overcome their opinions will be via amending the Constitution, and that’s impractical.”

Fortunately, HRC lost and DT kept his promise about his SC nomination.

Who are DT’s “corrupt cronies?” 

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