Jean Kashiwsky – 11/29/04

This page was last updated on November 29, 2004.

Election’s over, not issues; Jean Kashiwsky; Beaver County Times; November 29, 2004.

Ms. Kashiwsky identified herself as a Kerry campaign worker in her letter of September 30th.

In trying to figure out why President Bush won, Ms. Kashiwsky blames the voters.  It seems never to occur to liberals that their problem is their platform, not the voters.

The truth is there is no single reason why President Bush won.  Consciously or subconsciously, Americans weighed the issues and voted according to their own personal goals.  Different people voted for President Bush for different reasons just as different people voted for John Kerry for different reasons.  Liberals want to believe there is a single “silver bullet” they can use to right their fortunes.

Another fact Ms. Kashiwsky ignores is that President Bush’s election wasn’t an anomaly.  Republicans are winning more and more state and federal offices throughout the country.  For example, Republicans picked up seats in the House and the Senate, including the ouster of the Senate Minority Leader, Tom Daschle (D-SD).

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“It is weeks since the people have spoken in this presidential election.  It is clear to me that the people voted on the ‘moral issues’ and the Swift Boat people.  It is to these voters that I address this letter.

[RWC] The only thing that is clear to me is that folks like Ms. Kashiwsky are desperate to find a reason for President Bush’s victory that allows them to feel good about themselves and their agenda.

“Every American is entitled to his or her moral opinion, but morals are not going to solve the real-life problems that face us today.  Being pro-life, anti-gay and pro-gun will not keep and create jobs in America. They are not going to provide health care and low-cost prescription drugs to those who need it.  They are not going to help educate our children.  They are not going to ensure Social Security for all of us.”

[RWC] I tend to think of “morals” and “values” as synonymous.  Values are a key part of every important decision we make.

Apparently Ms. Kashiwsky believes Republican are gun toting bigots.  Living in Beaver County it’s hard not to be in the company of Democrats in social settings.  Before Ms. Kashiwsky accuses Republicans of being anti-homosexual, perhaps she should clean up her party first.  Perhaps Ms. Kashiwsky can tell us what Republican policies were anti-homosexual.

Let’s look at how rank-and-file Democrats vote.  Polls indicate a majority of Democrats believe there should be stricter limits on abortion or abortion should be illegal.  In the 2004 election, 11 states had “defense of marriage” amendments on the ballot.  All 11 amendments passed with significant majorities (maximum of 86%, minimum of 57%, 8 passed with 66% or greater), even in “blue” states.  Amendments don’t pass with these majorities without significant Democrat voter support.

“It is clear to me that the people voted with their hearts instead of their brains.  I take no pity nor will I listen to anyone complain who voted for George Bush.”

[RWC] We have a common liberal refrain.  If you don’t vote for liberal candidates, you are stupid or didn’t vote on the issues.  This allows liberals to absolve themselves of blame.

“Aren’t the senseless killings in Iraq a moral issue?  Isn’t the fact that George Bush and Dick Cheney evaded the Vietnam War at all costs, yet are so adamant in sending our young boys and girls to the Iraq War a moral issue?”

[RWC] I agree the beheadings and other murders by terrorists in Iraq and elsewhere are a moral issue, but I suspect that’s not what Ms. Kashiwsky means.  As a reminder to Ms. Kashiwsky, neither President Bush nor VP Cheney evaded the Vietnam War.  Evade implies illegality.  President Bush served in the Air National Guard and volunteered for Vietnam service toward the end of his flight training.  VP Cheney simply applied for deferments and they were granted.  He did nothing illegal or unethical.  Ms. Kashiwsky forgets John Kerry applied for a deferment just as Dick Cheney did but was refused.

“John Kerry is a true war hero who knows war and its destruction firsthand.  The Swift Boat people were financed by the Republican Party and pitted veteran against veteran, and that I feel is un-American.”

[RWC] Neither Ms. Kashiwsky nor I are in a position to claim “John Kerry is a true war hero.”  Kerry served in Vietnam and he deserves our respect for that service.  Veterans who served with John Kerry have different opinions on Kerry’s “hero” status.

Ms. Kashiwsky incorrectly claims the Republican Party funded the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.  If the Democrats and/or their minions in the old media could have found a link, you can bet it would have been in the press.  FYI, as all other 527s, the SBVT must report contributions it receives to the Federal Election Commission.  Did some Republicans support the SBVT?  Of course.  Who was going to contribute to them, Kerry supporters?  Does Ms. Kashiwsky want us to believe Democrats didn’t contribute to the anti-Bush 527s?

Ms. Kashiwsky wrote that the SBVT “pitted veteran against veteran, and that I feel is un-American.”  What was un-American?  What was it when John Kerry accused U.S. servicemen in Vietnam of committing war crimes as standard operating procedure?  Ms. Kashiwsky also ignores that the Kerry campaign had to retract claims about Kerry’s service when the SBVT contradicted those claims.  If the Kerry campaign and the old media could have disproved the SBVT, why didn’t they?

“America, as we know it, is in its waning days all because of God, guns and gays.”

[RWC] I don’t know how to respond to this.  What a bitter person.  Only a liberal can construe faith, belief in the Second Amendment, and opposing the redefinition of marriage as bad.

“I gave my heart, soul, and time and energy to the Kerry-Edwards campaign for a stronger America.  I will never stop fighting; I will not surrender.”

[RWC] The Kerry agenda had nothing to do with a stronger America and a majority of voters saw through the deception.  John Kerry left a 35-year-old trail and he couldn’t hide from it.

© 2004 Robert W. Cox, all rights reserved.