Jack Krchmar – 1/7/07

This page was last updated on January 7, 2007.

Wasted days and wasted lives; Jack Krchmar; Beaver County Times; January 7, 2007.

The last we heard from Mr. Krchmar, he claimed the rights of smokers are being violated.

Below is a detailed critique of the letter.

“The rumor is going around that President Bush is sending more men and women to Iraq to follow his dream of a democratic Iraq.

“There are three different tribes: Shites [sic], Sunnis, and Kurds.  They can’t possibly agree on everything living under a democracy or any other type of government.  They haven’t had a united government for thousands of years except a dictatorship.”

[RWC] The use of “tribes” is incorrect.  Iraq is about 75% Arab and 20% Kurdish.  Shiites and Sunnis are different wings of Islam.  Most Kurds are Sunni.

“They can’t possibly agree on everything …”  No kidding.  Neither do Americans yet we manage to stumble along.

“Bush’s slogans have been ‘Stay the course,’ ‘Don’t cut and run,’ and ‘As they step up, we’ll step down.’  This has had four years to work, but things have gotten worse.

“This situation reminds me of an old Freddy Fender song, ‘Wasted Days and Wasted Nights.’  Our soldiers are over there giving their lives and limbs for Bush’s great cause or ego trip because his father didn’t finish the job and get Hussien [sic].”

[RWC] Geez, the “his father didn’t finish the job” talking point again.  Does Mr. Krchmar really believe President Bush would be that petty?  If that was the motivation why did Congress approve the Iraq War Resolution?

“Big deal.  We got him, and the situation is worse.  Americans and people of Iraq are still dying in a war we can’t win.  The slogan should be ‘As we step down, the people of Iraq had damn well better step up.’  We should get our soldiers out of Iraq as soon as possible.”

[RWC] Who doesn’t want “our soldiers out of Iraq as soon as possible?”  The key is to do so in a manner that’s in the best interests of U.S. national security.

“I know our soldiers can train people to be good soldiers and it wouldn’t take years to succeed.  Disagreement between tribes would make it unlikely for them to live peacefully under one government.”

[RWC] Our soldiers have been training Iraqis, but you can’t build an army and police force from scratch overnight, especially when you have foreign terrorists and former Saddamists trying to cause chaos.

“I think most people in Iraq are good people who want peace and freedom.  Who wouldn’t?  How they accomplish this is up to them.”

[RWC] I’m glad this was not the position of the Marquis de Lafayette during the Revolutionary War.

“Bush’s way is not working.  It’s time to change the course.”

[RWC] Let’s assume Mr. Krchmar is correct.  You’ll note Mr. Krchmar didn’t provide any suggestions except for an activity (training the Iraqis) that we’ve been doing almost from the day we toppled Saddam Hussein.

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