Simon Lang – 9/4/08

This page was last updated on September 8, 2008.

First choice raises concern; Simon Lang; Beaver County Times; September 4, 2008.

In his previous letter I critiqued, Mr. Lang told us “Health care needs to be fixed.”

This is only one of at least six letters in four days (9/4 – 9/7) from local lefties upset (worried?) about John McCain selecting – and Republican delegates approving – Gov. Sarah Palin as his VP candidate.  The “concern” has nothing to do with qualifications as the authors would have us believe.  It’s clear these folks are afraid of Mrs. Palin because it demonstrates even the Republican VP candidate has more relevant experience than the entire Democrat ticket, unless you consider being an ACORN street organizer relevant experience.  Let’s also keep in mind the questionable judgment of local lefties when it comes to their own choices.  Do names like Joseph Glenn, Frank LaGrotta, Darla LaValle, Edward Piroli, Sean Ramaley, Lois Sutter, and Mike Veon ring a bell?  Before lefties try to convince us Mr. McCain made a mistake, perhaps they need to look in the mirror.

And what of Mr. Obama’s choices?  For a candidate who incessantly talks about “change” and “hope,” why does Mr. Obama surround himself with the same lefty activists, advisers, and politicians we’ve seen since at least the 1990s?  Why would a true change agent select as his VP running mate a 35-year Washington insider (Joe Biden)?

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“The most important decision presidential candidates make is their pick for vice president.  It shows their thinking and judgment.

“John McCain, in his first decision, has just told the world that he believes Sarah Palin is the most qualified person to be a heartbeat from the presidency.

“Her qualifications are: governor of Alaska for just a little more than 18 months, mayor of Wasilla, Alaska (population 9,000), and a hockey Mom.

“Barack Obama doesn’t seem that inexperienced now, does he?”

[RWC] For how many months has Barack Obama – or Joe Biden for that matter – been a governor, or a mayor?  Perhaps Mr. Lang believes Mr. Obama’s street organizer experience is equivalent to being a small town mayor or being the governor of the largest state in the Union.  Do Obama supporters really want to compare his experience with that of Gov. Palin?  I know the McCain/Palin campaign would love it.  Mr. Lang jumped into this trap with both feet.

As with other lefty letter writers, it’s clear Gov. Palin scares Mr. Lang.

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