Michelle Mindek – 7/28/17


This page was last updated on August 12, 2017.

People in area could become endangered species; Michelle Mindek (MM); Beaver County Times; July 28, 2017.

Previous Mindek letters I reviewed are here, here, and here.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Recently in The Times was an alarming article about the Ambridge reservoir and its proximity to the Falcon Ethane pipeline that will transport ethane and other natural gas liquids to Shell Chemicals’ ethane cracker plant in Potter Township.”

[RWC] “Alarming” appears to be one of MM’s favorite words regarding this topic.  Unfortunately, MM didn’t identify the alleged “alarming article.”

The BCT published “Petition calling on Shell Pipeline to be more transparent gathers 4,000 signatures” (7/18/17).  Given the timing and the points discussed, this is likely the “alarming article” to which MM referred.

“This creates a concern about the drinking water for many individuals.  A petition has been signed by 4,000 caring residents who are calling for a more easily understood explanation from Shell Pipeline Co.”

[RWC] “A more easily understood explanation” of what?  If those who signed are “caring residents,” are those who didn’t sign uncaring?

The only place I found the petition’s text was a quick glimpse in the video embedded in the website version of the subject BCT article (link above).  The document in the video includes allegations before the petition itself but doesn’t show the list of alleged signatories.  The story also doesn’t show/tell us the sales pitch used by the petition canvassers to acquire the alleged signatures.

Here is the petition as shown in the video.

“Therefore, we the undersigned petition Gov. Tom Corbett and Sen. Elder Vogel to Establish, Declare, and Enforce by any means necessary:

“- A Ban on surface drilling within the Service Creek watershed, and

“- A Ban on drillers’ water withdrawals from the Service Creek watershed.”

The document containing the petition has a signature line for Randolph Shannon (RS).

During the video, the BCT gave its microphone to Bob Schmetzer (BS) three times for comment, identifying his affiliations as “Citizens to Protect Ambridge Reservoir, Asst. Emergency Management Director, South Heights.”  What neither the text nor the video mentions is BS and TS are VP and Treasurer of Beaver County Reds (BCR), respectively.  RS’ life partner is President.  As recently as 2/28/17, BS’ Facebook page indicated he was “Democrat Chairman of South Heights.”  If you choose to view BS’ Facebook page, be sure to compare his demeanor in the video with his Facebook posts.

BCR has something like an “interlocking directorate” relationship with the “Beaver County Marcellus Awareness Committee” (BCMAC) and other local lefty front groups like Beaver County Peace Links (Facebook).

You may have noted the petition is directed to “Gov. Tom Corbett,” who’s been out of office for over two-and-a-half years.  According to the BCT story,

Terrie Baumgardner, a member of both the BCMAC and CPAR groups, said Tuesday that the petition dates back to 2012, a time when the Marcellus shale drilling boom was in full swing.

“At the time, Baumgardner and others who signed the petition asked for two concessions: a ban on hydraulic fracturing in the watershed, and that no water be pulled from the reservoir to be used in the fracking process.

“Those two demands are still in place, Baumgardner said, but the petition is being updated to include concerns about the Falcon ethane pipeline.”

I don’t know anything about the petition process, but can a petition be “updated” after it’s signed?  Wouldn’t you need to have a second petition for the new stuff or go back and have the signatories of the original petition sign the “updated” version?

The current petition is about five years old.  Does a signature on a petition have an expiration date?

“The petition now reflects new concerns, specifically the ‘complete lack of transparency on the part of Shell in publicly outlining the Falcon pipeline route, particularly as it pertains to sensitive wetlands and drinking water.’”  I don’t know about the print version of this piece, but the proposed pipeline routes are shown in a Shell-provided map at the end of the website version.  The BCT has been publishing the map since at least May 17, 2017.

Finally, none of the BCT pieces I’ve seen indicate the reporters saw the alleged petition with its 4,000+ signatures.

I ran across an anti-Shell, “gripe” website deceptively named RoyalDutchShellPlc.com while researching for this review.  Though there is a disclaimer, the website liberally employs the Shell logo and photos of Shell facilities to fool the unsuspecting viewer.  The same guys also run ShellNews.netAccording to Wikipedia, the website operators are former U.K. business partners of Shell who accused Shell of “breach of confidence and breach of contract” during the early/mid-1990s.  Though RoyalDutchShellPlc.com has published some pieces friendly to BCMAC and other local anti-Shell groups, I don’t think BCMAC and RoyalDutchShellPlc.com are linked.

“We must get a water-source protection plan that will guarantee no wetlands and waterways will be contaminated in any shape or form.”

[RWC] No one can make guarantees like that for just about anything.  If MM drives a car, can she guarantee she won’t hurt someone the next time she hits the road?

“If one source is contaminated, it will affect the entire drinking water supply.  The people in the area could become the new endangered species.”

[RWC] Hyperbole. 

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