Daniel Morrison – 11/28/10


This page was last updated on December 3, 2010.

Republicans say no to everything; Daniel Morrison; Beaver County Times; November 28, 2010.

A Daniel J./Dan Morrison of Monaca wrote at least five letters (here, here, here, and here plus one I did not critique) from late 2004 through March 2006.  I don’t know if this Daniel Morrison (Center Township) is the same person, but the letter content is similar.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I agree with Nov. 18’s letter ‘Wealthy lawmakers cut their own taxes.’

[RWC] When someone starts off agreeing with a Jerry Miskulin letter, you know you’re in for a treat.

“It’s a disgrace what the Republicans have done, the 1 year and 11 months that President Obama has been in office.

“Fact, Obama inherited $1.3 trillion deficit from the Bush administration.  Not to mention the Wall Street mess.  He has two wars to try to get us out of, and the Republicans have done nothing but say no to everything.”

[RWC] Mr. Morrison appears to forget Democrats have been the majority party in Congress since January 2007 (when the deficit was “only” $161 billion) and Republicans never had a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate.  Democrats did nothing to address out-of-control spending and it was Democrat policies and programs that led to “the Wall Street mess.”

“Give the people making $250,000 a year a tax cut.  Republicans, no way!  Not unless we also continue the tax cuts for the rich.”

[RWC] No one is talking about anyone getting a tax cut.  Unless Congress and the President act, current tax rates that have been the law of the land since 2001 and 2003 will go up on January 1, 2011.

I’m confused.  Since at least 2003, didn’t Democrats claim the Bush tax RATE cuts were tax cuts only for the rich?  If that’s true, why don’t folks like Mr. Morrison want those rate cuts to expire?  The answer, of course, is Democrats lied about the tax rate cuts for all that time but can’t do so any longer with a huge tax rate increase for everyone staring us in the face.

Based on 2008 income tax data, the top 1% of filers paid 38% of the total and the top 5% paid 59%.  Mr. Morrison doesn’t tell us why those who pay the least in taxes should retain their tax rates but those who pay the most should have their rates increased.

Finally, why does Mr. Morrison want to pick on “the rich” to have their taxes raised?  Does he believe “the rich” deserve what they earn less than the rest of us?  I know nothing of his financial status, but could Mr. Morrison be jealous of “the rich” and believes increasing their tax rates is a good way to get even?

“We can’t let the Tea Party run this country.  In Mitch McConnell’s own words, (this is their game plan) ‘Republicans’ top political goal over the next two years is making sure Mr. Obama did not get re-elected.’”

[RWC] Mr. Morrison apparently doesn’t know the “tea party” and Mr. McConnell (and much of Republican leadership) aren’t exactly best buddies.  In any case, when isn’t the opposition party’s #1 political goal to make sure a president doesn’t get reelected?  Did Mr. Morrison sleep through the 2004 election?  And what about the 1992 election?

“Ain’t that special!  Never mind Afghanistan, Iraq and the soldiers dying over there, never mind unemployment, etc.  No. 1 priorities are extending tax cuts for the top 2 percent and repealing health care.  Sorry, kid you were born crippled, no health care for you.”

[RWC] Mr. Morrison should read his own letter.  By his own account, Mr. Morrison asserted “making sure Mr. Obama did not get re-elected” was “Republicans’ top POLITICAL goal,” not their #1 overall priority.

Who’s talking about getting rid of “health care?”  We’re talking about Obamacare, the government takeover of the medical insurance and healthcare industries.  Is Mr. Morrison claiming we didn’t have “health care” in the U.S. prior to Obamacare and kids “born crippled” get no “health care?”

“What happened to united we stand, divided we fall?  And why is there no concern about this election being sold and paid for by this unlimited secret money that nobody seems to know where it’s coming from.”

[RWC] “What happened to united we stand, divided we fall?”  This comes from someone who employs class warfare to lobby against “the rich” getting to keep their tax rate cuts along with the rest of us.  What a hoot!  Let’s keep in mind it’s also Mr. Morrison’s party that divides everyone into grievance/victim groups along lines of age, education, ethnicity, income, religion, sex, skin color, wealth, et cetera.

As for his “unlimited secret money” comment, I suspect the only groups of concern to Mr. Morrison are those that do not tend to lean to the left.  On its website, the leftist Tides Foundation tells potential donors, “Donors’ privacy is protected and anonymity is ensured if you so desire.”

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