George Reese – 9/18/06

This page was last updated on October 2, 2006.

The smart thing to do; George Reese; Beaver County Times; September 18, 2006.

10/2/06    - A letter from Paul Dici (“Do the smarter thing,” September 27th) appears to confirm the obvious.  Quoting from the letter, “[George Reese] maintained that he is an activist and a Republican.  He hasn’t been active in the Republican Party.  As a Republican committeeman for years, I have never seen him at our annual dinner, working breakfasts and luncheons or strategy sessions where we plan for each election.  In fact, his association with the Democrat Party goes all the way back to the ‘60s, when he worked for Frank Clark, the disgraced congressman who went to prison for corruption.  When Ed Rendell ran for office the first time, Reese was seen carrying a Rendell sign.”

9/27/06    - When I first published this critique, I forgot to mention two previous letters from Mr. Reese during the 2004 campaign.  They were entitled “Santorum demeaned all vets” and “Blame Bush for casualties.”  This is relevant because in this letter Mr. Reese attempts to paint himself as a Republican “working with Democrats and Republicans.”  Based on his letters over the last two years, however, it appears Mr. Reese is nothing more than a partisan Democrat activist.  There’s nothing wrong with that, so I don’t know why Mr. Reese felt he had to attempt to deceive us.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I have been a volunteer political activist in leadership positions for a variety of state and national organizations since 1959.

“I have helped to interview, elect and work with dozens of legislators and judges on the state and national levels.  This included working with Democrats and Republicans.  I have worked thousands of hours at hundreds of meetings on weekends, evenings, summer vacations and in retirement.  This included traveling to Harrisburg and Washington, D.C. more than 250 times.  And many times at my own expense.

“My contacts with legislators has enabled me to help promote anti-smoking legislation, school subsidies, sound educational legislation, retiree legislation, tornado and storm warning drills in our schools, veterans’ issues and much, much more.

“Thus, I have worked a lifetime (in my spare time) promoting valid public issues.  Now I am asking the voters in the 10th district to do me and yourselves a favor.  Vote for and help elect Jaret Gibbons as our state representative.

“Gibbons is for meaningful property tax reform, family sustaining jobs, strong school systems, qualified affordable health care and expanded prescription drug care.  This would include adding more senior citizens to Pace/Pacenet.  Also, he believes, as do most Pennsylvanians, in helping to initiate some reforms in our state government in order to make the Legislature more citizen friendly and open to the public.

“So, join me, a Republican, and let’s send him to Harrisburg to represent us.  It’s the smart thing to do for our area and district.”

[RWC] Is this you Mr. Hum?  Is George Reese an alias? <g>

I always get a kick out of people who claim to be Republicans yet take clearly liberal positions and support Democrat/liberal candidates.

I know nothing about the Republican candidate, Chuck Morse, but ignoring anything out of the ordinary, why would a real Republican support a Democrat instead of the Republican candidate?

As a reminder, Messrs. Gibbons and Morse are running for the seat currently held by Frank LaGrotta.  Mr. Gibbons defeated Mr. LaGrotta in the primary.

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