Jewel Robertson – 3/20/08

This page was last updated on March 22, 2008.

Give change a chance; Jewel Robertson; Beaver County Times; March 20, 2008.

Usually, Ms. Robertson writes letters bashing President Bush.  In her first letter, Ms. Robertson opined that President Bush could be listening to Satan.  That tells us much of what we need to know about Ms. Robertson.

I submitted the following comment on the Times website, but the Times chose not to post it.  I wonder why.

“Barack Obama ‘has been attacked as no white man has ever been?’  Apparently Ms. Robertson doesn’t read her own letters to the editor.

“Back in 2004 (‘Bush could be hearing Satan’), Ms. Robertson told us President Bush likely listens to Satan.  Later Ms. Robertson took aim (‘Watch what Bush does’) at one of President Bush’s daughters and wrote, ‘A tree is known by the fruit it bears.  So far, his tree is good for nothing but to be cut down.’  In another letter (‘Bush doesn’t care about life’) Ms. Robertson wrote, President Bush ‘doesn’t care about anyone’s life but his own and his family’s.’

“Sadly, these personal attack examples from Ms. Robertson are relatively tame compared to what’s been printed about President Bush, Bill Clinton, and a host of other politicians.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“The more I listen to the news, the more I am troubled by what I hear.”

[RWC] This is at least the second letter from Ms. Robertson complaining about her perceived treatment of Barack Obama.  A previous letter was entitled “Keep focus on the issues” of January 16, 2008.  I didn’t critique that letter because my website was still on Comcast at the time and out of commission.

“Never is my life of voting has there been so much controversy since JFK, which was nothing compared to now.

“I have voted for many white men for president, and so have all other Americans of African descent without any reservation.”

[RWC] The last I heard, all Americans (and everyone else) are “of African descent.”

“We were loyal to the Democratic Party and voted.

“We have been good to the candidates.  They have not been as good to us.  They have never kept the promises they made while they were out begging for votes.

“No one has ever had to prove themselves to us.  They have come into our cities and made fools of our elected officials, who were black, by seeking their endorsements for fear of their jobs.”

[RWC] Given what Ms. Robertson herself wrote, why on Earth does she continue to vote for Democrats?

FYI, Ms. Robertson apparently favors white Democrats over black Republicans.  I searched Ms. Robertson’s letters since 2004 and in none of them did Ms. Robertson even mention Lynn Swann, let alone endorse him for PA governor.

“It serves these elected officials right because the scripture tells us to owe no man anything.  When you owe a man a favor, you must pay him.

“Since Senator U.S. Sen. Barack Obama happens to be an American of African descent, he has to prove himself over and over.  He has been attacked as no white man has ever been.”

[RWC] Barack Obama “has been attacked as no white man has ever been?”  Apparently Ms. Robertson doesn’t read her own letters to the editor.

Back in 2004 (“Bush could be hearing Satan”), Ms. Robertson told us President Bush likely listens to Satan.  Later Ms. Robertson took aim (“Watch what Bush does”) at one of President Bush’s daughters and wrote, “A tree is known by the fruit it bears.  So far, his tree is good for nothing but to be cut down.”  In another letter (“Bush doesn’t care about life”) Ms. Robertson wrote, President Bush “doesn’t care about anyone’s life but his own and his family’s.”

Though Democrats threw Oreo cookies at Michael Steele (a black Republican) during his 2002 campaign for lt. governor of Maryland, I don’t recall any letters from Ms. Robertson decrying the behavior.  And what about black-on-black attacks?  I don’t recall any letters from Ms. Robertson complaining when Harry Belafonte referred to then-Secretary of State Colin Powell as a “house nigger.”  A black “journalist” wrote about then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, “That stupid bitch is Aunt Jemima.”  Again, I don’t recall any letters from Ms. Robertson objecting.  Could it be Ms. Robertson is concerned only about the treatment of leftist blacks?

“I feel it is something we all need to search our hearts for.

“If we all look into our souls, we can all agree that we have had 42 white presidents.  Don’t you feel it is time for an African American?”

[RWC] This is the kind of question you’d expect to get from a person as obsessed with race as Ms. Robertson.  When she’s not bashing President Bush, Ms. Robertson’s letters frequently are race related.

Oh, by the way, when she says “African American,” Ms. Robertson really means a black-skinned person.  If Mr. Obama were a white “African American,” like former Steelers kicker Gary Anderson, or simply had very light or white skin, I believe Ms. Robertson wouldn’t have written this letter.

“Don’t let anyone fool you that an African-American male is the same as a white woman.  That is the biggest lie ever told.  This belittles the black male.  There is no comparison.  Would you compare a white male to a black woman?”

[RWC] Yes, I’ll agree a black male is not the same as a white female.  They are of different colors and sexes.  So what?

“Is American [sic] the racist country I believe it to be?”

[RWC] At least as long as Ms. Robertson is in it.  If Mr. Obama doesn’t become President, Ms. Robertson will claim racism.  Even if Mr. Obama does win, I suspect Ms. Robertson will claim he won only because he’s half white.

I wonder when it will dawn on Ms. Robertson that it was – given PA’s demographics (86% white, 11% black) – predominantly white conservatives who nominated and voted for Lynn Swann for PA governor in 2006.  And what about Ken Blackwell in Ohio, Michael Steele in Maryland, and Bobby Jindal in Louisiana?

“Give change a chance.”

[RWC] You’ll note Ms. Robertson didn’t describe the change she is seeking, unless it’s simply the color of a person’s skin.  Ms. Robertson can’t be that shallow, can she?

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