Jewel Robertson – 4/4/08

This page was last updated on April 6, 2008.

Don’t distort Obama’s record; Jewel Robertson; Beaver County Times; April 4, 2008.

Usually, Ms. Robertson writes letters bashing President Bush.  In her first letter, Ms. Robertson opined that President Bush could be listening to Satan.  That tells us much of what we need to know about Ms. Robertson.

The letter title appears out of place given the letter never mentions Mr. Obama’s record.  In most cases the Times provides the title, so this comment likely doesn’t apply to Ms. Robertson.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“In response to Sunday’s letter to the editor ‘Obama’s priority is Bush’s:’

[RWC] This is the second letter from Ms. Robertson in two weeks supporting Mr. Obama.

“To begin, the Barack Obama campaign does not have telemarketers calling.  Obama does not have to have people asking for money for him because people of all colors and cultures go to their Internet and make donations of all amounts.

“In fact, more than one million people donated money in February, and March has not been yet counted.  Whoever asked the writer for money was not doing it for Obama.  There are folks out there to deceive you.”

[RWC] You may ask yourself why Ms. Robertson doesn’t want to believe the Obama campaign solicits contributions as everyone does.  For whatever reason, Ms. Robertson needs to believe Mr. Obama is not just another politician seeking another office.

“No one has to tell anyone who is winning or who has more delegates because it is on the news hourly.  Obama has not run out of money, but Hillary Clinton is in debt to everyone, so the media is saying.  Obama is being well taken care of, I can assure you.”

[RWC] I don’t know where Ms. Robertson gets her info, but as of the February FEC reports all of the candidates had outstanding debt and all had far more than enough cash to handle those debts.

“Her letter proves that she knows very little about Obama.  He doesn’t have to buy super-delegates.  They are coming to him because, as Bill Clinton used to say, ‘It is the right thing to do.’

[RWC] “Her [Ms. Mansell’s] letter proves that she knows very little about Obama?”  Ms. Robertson should know.  This is Ms. Robertson’s second letter in support of Mr. Obama and she has yet to discuss even one of Mr. Obama’s positions, except for “change.”

As far as not buying super delegates, Ms. Robertson needs to check Mr. Obama’s Hope Fund PAC.  Via his PAC, Mr. Obama has been contributing to Democrats since at least the 2006 election.  Sen. Bob Casey recently came out in support of Mr. Obama.  I’m sure it’s only a coincidence the Hope Fund PAC contributed $10,000 to Mr. Casey’s 2006 campaign.

“Contrary to what she wrote, everywhere Obama goes he addresses issues that the American people want to hear.  However, you must have an ear for listening.”

[RWC] In most of Mr. Obama’s speeches, to “have an ear for listening” means you hear what you want to hear.  Just as many candidates, the vast majority of what comes out of Mr. Obama’s mouth is meaningless drivel about “change” and/or “hope” or populist positions.

“This is America.  We are allowed to speak our minds.  That is the freedom we can exercise.  We are not whining or crying; we are excited.  We are accustomed to negative comments.”

[RWC] Who is “we?”

“Finally, Clinton is not the first woman to run for president.  Others have, including, most recently, former U.S. Sen. Carol Moseley Braun, who ran in 2004 and dropped out and endorsed Howard Dean.  That’s if she counts; she is a woman of color.”

[RWC] Who cares?  What is the leftist obsession with sex and skin color in this race?

Regarding Ms. Braun, Ms. Robertson neglected to mention the reason Ms. Braun “dropped out and endorsed Howard Dean.”  Ms. Braun dropped out before the Iowa caucuses because she was nowhere near being a contender.  The Braun campaign had raised only about $628,000 compared to the $50+ million raised by the Dean campaign.

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