Ann Taylor – 10/29/08

This page was last updated on October 30, 2008.

Give money to food banks; Ann Taylor; Beaver County Times; October 30, 2008.

Ms. Taylor wrote at least three previous letters since 2005.  They were “Vote out buddies of Bush” (April 5, 2005), “How does Bush sleep at night?” (April 5, 2007), and “She’s just a woman” (April 17, 2008).

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“The political campaigns and their nominees talk about obscene amounts of money, thousands and millions, like they’re tossing around fives and tens, and they’re spending like amounts on telling us the same things we would rather not hear again and again.

“It’s such as waste.

“Can you imagine the Democratic National Committee or the Republican National Committee announcing they would use just a small portion of that money to buy food for the hungry?

“Every food distribution center would be filled to overflowing instead of being nearly empty, as they are now.  Have they ever spoken about the increasing need for basic food assistance in this country when donations are down and supplies are diminishing?

“I’m voting for Barack Obama and would like to have his ear for just two minutes to remind him about the days when his family was hungry and on food stamps, and that it was a Democrat who started relief programs way back when.”

[RWC] Here’s an Obama quote from a Time magazine article (“The fresh face,” 10/15/2006): “For example, I was going to a fancy prep school, and my mother was on food stamps while she was getting her Ph.D.”  Did you catch what’s wrong?  Despite his family having the wherewithal to send Barack “to a fancy prep school” and his mother to college for “her Ph.D.,” his “mother was on food stamps?”  I’m not a food stamp expert and I certainly don’t know all the circumstances, but on the surface this sounds like Mr. Obama’s family was ripping off taxpayers.  I wonder if Ms. Taylor knows this.  Would it matter?  Probably not.

“Such an announcement would surely be good-will advertising we would all respect and long remember, and it would simply be the right thing to do.

“Can you imagine?  Dream on.”

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