John M. Tomaszewski – 3/31/11


This page was last updated on March 31, 2011.

‘Does our nation glorify war?’; John M. Tomaszewski; Beaver County Times; March 31, 2011.

Since September 2004, this is at least the 56th letter from Mr. Tomaszewski with all but a handful spouting leftist talking points, with most bashing Republicans and/or former President Bush.  A 2009 letter was entitled “If this be socialism, then give me more” and another advocated raising taxes.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Taking a walking tour of our nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., the Capitol and the White House are easy to locate and identify.

“Then, continue to walk down the Mall and you are attracted by the number of our war memorials, Civil War soldiers’ statues, World War II, Vietnam, Korea, etc.

“After viewing all these memorials, one wonders, does our nation glorify war?  It may in view of our questionable wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya.  We should end our participation of these wars without further loss of our soldiers and cost.”

[RWC] I don’t know about Mr. Tomaszewski, but I learned these memorials commemorate the sacrifices of those Americans who risked and/or gave their lives to defend our freedom.

We have an example of a double standard.  During the George W. Bush administration, Mr. Tomaszewski constantly bashed Mr. Bush by name about Afghanistan and Iraq.  Though President Obama escalated our effort in Afghanistan and got us involved in Libya’s civil war, not once has Mr. Tomaszewski linked Mr. Obama’s name with either war.  How things change depending on whether a president has a “D” or an “R” after his name.

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