Michael Torbic – 11/1/04

This page was last updated on November 1, 2004.

Use entertainment for funding; Michael Torbic; Beaver County Times; November 1, 2004.

In Mr. Torbic’s previous letter he advocated restricting freedom of speech.  In this letter Mr. Torbic advocates another tax to redistribute income.  These are the positions of a true socialist.

“The people of this nation are great fans and supporters of all forms of amateur and professional sports and other forms of entertainment.  This enthusiasm extends to include classical music, opera, instrumental and live stage productions, plays and comedies.  Movies also are widely attended.

“These events would be a good source of raising funds for good and needy causes.  My suggestions are to charge or deduct a small amount from the price of each admission ticket.  Tickets priced $5-$25 would have a deduction of 25 cents.  Tickets priced $25 or more would have a 50-cent deduction.  Movies would have a 10-cent deduction.”

[RWC] A key socialist tactic is to use euphemisms.  In this case, Mr. Torbic uses the word “deduction” when he really means “tax.”

“The sponsors, owners or individuals should contribute these funds to the treasurers of Social Security, Medicare and/or health insurance and medical care for people who do not have these benefits, as well as those in poverty, those without income, the poor.

[RWC] When workers have 15.3% of their wages plundered for Socialist Security and Medicare, isn’t that enough?

“These funds should not be missed by the owners or sponsors compared to the price that those without these aforementioned benefits are lacking.  The money would be used for very good and needy causes.”

[RWC] I love it when the pro-tax crowd says something like “These funds should not be missed by the owners or sponsors.”

Here’s a question for Mr. Torbic.  Why not let us as individuals determine how much and to whom we donate our hard-earned income?

© 2004 Robert W. Cox, all rights reserved.