Michael Torbic – 12/3/04

This page was last updated on December 4, 2004.

Expand entitlements’ tax base; Michael Torbic; Beaver County Times; December 3, 2004.

Mr. Torbic must really be in love with this idea.  It’s the same idea he proposed in his November 1st letter but with a different tax rate and more things taxed.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Now that fewer younger people are contributing to Social Security and Medicare and more older people are applying for the benefits, it is time to find new sources of funds without putting the burden on the general public.”

[RWC] Earth to Mr. Torbic, there are no taxes that do not affect the general public.  Regardless of what or whom we tax, there is a ripple effect on the general public.

“Let’s start with the professional athletes and entertainers and a 0.5 percent tax on all tickets of admission to these events, with the same amount of tax on concerts, classical and other forms of musical entertainment.  The same amount of tax would be collected on all liquor and bottle sales and alcoholic products.  The tax would also apply to movies, live-stage performances, winnings on legalized gambling and all forms of racing and lottery winnings of more than $500.  A 1 cent tax on each gallon of gasoline sold at the pumps should also be imposed.”

[RWC] Are we to believe the general public doesn’t attend entertainment, doesn’t purchase alcoholic beverages, doesn’t buy lottery tickets, and doesn’t buy gasoline?

“This money collected from the new taxes and the present money in the Social Security and Medicare treasury would not be used for any reasons other than care of the seniors and people in need of health care.”

[RWC] Note that it took only three paragraphs for Mr. Torbic to expand the scope of his spending.  At the beginning of the letter, he wanted to assist Socialist Security and Medicare.  Now he wants to throw in everyone in need of healthcare.  Doesn’t everyone need healthcare?

“Let’s get these issues passed so the seniors can have some hope about help for their problems in the future.  It would be good if the people could get medical help according to their income.”

[RWC] History shows socialism never works.  Indeed, programs like Medicare and Medicaid are part of the reason healthcare prices are so high.  When will folks like Mr. Torbic learn this lesson?

© 2004 Robert W. Cox, all rights reserved.