Gary Van Winkle – 10/23/08

This page was last updated on October 23, 2008.

Editorials hit nail on the head; Gary Van Winkle; Beaver County Times; October 23, 2008.

Though Mr. Van Winkle has written numerous letters, I critiqued only one previous letter.

Below is a detailed critique of the letter.

“In response to Sunday’s editorial ‘The last word,’ we certainly do need a big change in Beaver County government.

“I hope we could have fewer taxing agencies.  I’d like to see a county real estate tax and a borough real estate tax.  I’d also like to see a single school district and school board for the county, with the county funding the school system.  That way there would be fewer cracks through which tax dollars can disappear.”

[RWC] Using this logic, why stop at the county level?  Why not have a single taxing agency at the commonwealth or federal level?  I can only conclude Mr. Van Winkle is a believer in big government.

“Let there be sunlight and accountability in the operation of the government, whatever form it may take.  It would be helpful to define — hopefully before Election Day — home rule, charter government and whatever system Beaver County endures now.

“The second editorial (‘Don’t relapse’) was spot on also.  At last, energy independence is separated from reduction in fuel prices.  I hope we can now proceed to develop new energy systems, including U.S. petroleum reserves, without promising lower gasoline prices.

“We already have a number of electric automobiles waiting in the wings, including those from GM and Honda.

“And natural gas appears to be a likely supplementary fuel for automobiles, if not a replacement for gasoline.  So it seems that we can drill and we can also take advantage of hydro power, wind power, tidal power, geothermal power and nuclear power.”

[RWC] What’s new about this?

“I think the editorial board is on board with John McCain, T. Boone Pickens, Paris Hilton and me — at least as far as energy policy is concerned.”

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