Alex Yawor – 1/14/07

This page was last updated on January 16, 2007.

Get to work, Congress; Alex Yawor; Beaver County Times; January 14, 2007.

Mr. Yawor’s previous letters attempted to bash President Bush regarding Iraq and Iran, and VP Cheney regarding his hunting accident.  In a July 2006 letter, Mr. Yawor implied if you support our action in Iraq, you are “eager to send our young to die in Iraq.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Now that the Democrats are in control of Congress they want to maintain a five-day work week, and guess what?

“Many of the Republicans are outraged about that.

“Correct me if I’m wrong, and I am sure someone will if I am, they now ‘work’ three days a week.”

[RWC] Let’s be clear on what the Democrats consider work.  According to the Democrat position, time spent by representatives working in their district office isn’t really working.  To accept the Democrat position, you have to believe the only work done by our representatives must be done in Washington, DC.  If that’s true, why aren’t Democrats offering to eliminate funding for district offices?

“These Republicans say that this will break up their families to which Republican U.S. Rep. Jack Kingston said, ‘The Democrats could care less about families.’”

[RWC] We saw how serious Democrats were about the “five-day work week.”

The very first Monday after being sworn in, Democrats declared Congress out of session because of a football game (Florida vs. Ohio State) to be held that night.  To the best of my knowledge, none of our representatives participated in that game.

The second Monday after being sworn in, Democrats declared Congress out of session for Martin Luther King’s birthday.

As I understand it, the next two weeks will be three-day workweeks because of seminars scheduled by both parties.

Since the following Monday will be the day after the Super Bowl, I wonder if Congress will be in session.  And the following week contains St. Valentine’s Day.  And the following week contains Presidents’ Day. <g>

“Let us now talk about another group of young men and women and their work week.

“This group of men and women work seven days a week and may be putting in up to 18 hours a day, and sometimes even 24.

“When they go to work, they carry almost 100 pounds on their backs.  It could be 110 degrees in the shade.  While they are working, there are bombs exploding around them and bullets going past their bodies, and they are wondering if when they do go home, will it be in a body bag.

“Talking about breaking up the family.  I wonder who these Republicans spent Christmas with?  These young men and women sure didn’t spend it with their families.

“How do the Republicans think the families felt about their sons and daughters being so far away and in harm’s way?”

[RWC] I know he’s allegedly a former Marine from World War II, but I don’t buy Mr. Yawor’s alleged concern for our soldiers.  I might have a different opinion if Mr. Yawor didn’t have a habit of misrepresenting facts.

“They should stop thinking only about themselves, and they and the Democrats should start ‘working’ for the people and try to find a way to bring our young back home to their families.

“I feel that the problem in this country is that most of the people have the mentality of our politicians: They only think of themselves, and they could care less about what is going on around them.  It’s hurray for me and the heck with you.  I got mine, you get yours.”

[RWC] I’m glad to see Mr. Yawor recognizes his problem.

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