Alex Yawor – 1/26/07

This page was last updated on January 27, 2007.

Bush compounds his failure; Alex Yawor; Beaver County Times; January 26, 2007.

Mr. Yawor’s previous letters attempted to bash President Bush regarding Iraq and Iran, and VP Cheney regarding his hunting accident.  In a July 2006 letter, Mr. Yawor implied if you support our action in Iraq, you are “eager to send our young to die in Iraq.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“At the start of the second Iraq war, there were 34 coalition countries.

“Now, there are only 16.  Four other countries are going to reduce the number of their troops.  At this time, there are 14,200 troops from other countries left, and they are mostly non-combat troops.

“Could it be that these countries are pulling out because they know that this is a no-win war and they do not want their young to die for nothing?”

[RWC] If we depended on how other countries acted, we’d still have the Soviet Union and Red China wouldn’t be building a capitalism-like economy.

“President Bush now wants to send 21,000 more of our young to Iraq.  His own people and top generals say that this will not help, but he isn’t listening, just as he didn’t before he started this war.”

[RWC] Who are “[h]is own people?”  The “top general” (Gen. Petraeus) assigned to Iraq testified before the Senate in favor of the troop increase.

“I guarantee the president one thing, and that is that he is making the insurgents very happy.  The reason is that we are their target, and sending these troops in only makes the bull’s-eye of that target larger.”

[RWC] If President Bush “is making the insurgents very happy,” why did they ramp up violence before both the 2004 and 2006 elections?  If they wanted President Bush and Republicans in office, the terrorists would have cut violence before the elections.  Instead, they did all they could to defeat President Bush and congratulated Democrats for their victories in the 2006 election.

If “we are their target,” why are far more Iraqis dying than coalition forces?

“Bush may say that we will kill more insurgents.  They could care less how many of them die as long as they can kill more of us.  Can’t he see that they don’t give a darn about their lives by the way they blow themselves up to kill their own people?”

[RWC] In the previous paragraph, Mr. Yawor asserted, “we are their target,” yet in this paragraph he concedes they “they blow themselves up to kill their own people.”  I wish Mr. Yawor would make up his mind.

“It is a shame that more tears will be shed and hearts broken by the loved ones of our young who will die, and the tears of the loved ones of thousands upon thousands of Iraqi civilians who will die.”

[RWC] I don’t believe for one second Mr. Yawor cares about “the tears of the loved ones of thousands upon thousands of Iraqi civilians who will die.”  If he did, where was Mr. Yawor during Saddam Hussein’s reign when Hussein was killing hundreds of thousands of his own citizens?  I’d be willing to bet Mr. Yawor didn’t write one letter pushing to stop that killing.

“I wonder how Bush and his followers feel when they see on TV the mayhem suicide bombers have caused because of his war.  Does he think the Iraqi people love us more when they go through this almost every day?”

[RWC] Does Mr. Yawor really believe that stopping the killing is as simple as leaving Iraq?  What does he think would happen if terrorists turned Iraq into their own personal sanctuary and training ground?  What does Mr. Yawor think they’d do with the oil revenue?

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