Alex Yawor – 7/11/08

This page was last updated on July 12, 2008.

Plenty of blame to spread around; Alex Yawor; Beaver County Times; July 11, 2008.

Mr. Yawor’s previous letters attempted to bash President Bush regarding Iraq and Iran, and VP Cheney regarding his hunting accident.  In a July 2006 letter, Mr. Yawor implied if you support our action in Iraq, you are “eager to send our young to die in Iraq.”  Much of Mr. Yawor’s last letter tried to lift up Jimmy Carter, as did a previous letter.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I am getting sick and tired of people like letter writer Rod Belsky (‘Condo flag ban is tip of the iceberg,’ Monday) blaming liberal Democrats for everything that goes wrong in this country.”

[RWC] Yet again we have a breakout of dueling idiotic letters.  Have you noticed flamethrowers like Mr. Yawor are the ones who seem to take the most offense when they believe flame-throwing letters are directed at them?

Mr. Belsky never mentioned “liberal Democrats” in his letter.  Indeed, you won’t find “Democrat” anywhere in the Belsky letter.  Mr. Belsky mentioned “liberals” and I assumed he meant liberals regardless of political party.  That said, since most liberals are in the Democrat party, I can understand why Mr. Yawor would jump to the conclusion he did.

“Where has he been for the last seven years?  Republicans in Washington and their president were in power, and they have put us so deep in the mud that I don’t think we will ever get out of it.  So where have these Republican politicians advanced us?”

[RWC] Note Mr. Yawor doesn’t describe what he means by “so deep in the mud.”  Also note Mr. Yawor apparently expects politicians to “advance us.”  That’s a typical leftist position.  Most of us on the right believe we advance ourselves.

“Years ago, only the rich were able to vacation in Florida.  The so-called middle class couldn’t afford it.  Then, unions were formed, and the middle class also went to Florida.”

[RWC] “Years ago …?”  You’ll note Mr. Yawor doesn’t tell us when “[y]ears ago” was.  In any case, what Mr. Yawor wrote resembles a fairy tale (“and they lived happily ever after”) more than history.

Note the use of “the rich” and “middle class.”  Once again we have a leftist viewing the world as groups, not as individuals.

“Remember Reagan, the man who fired all of the controllers and wanted to bust the unions.  Well stop voting for the likes of Obama and Casey, like Belsky says to do, and vote for the likes of McCain, who is for big oil and large corporations, and again only the rich will be going to Florida.

[RWC] Apparently Mr. Yawor forgot PATCO broke the law and went on strike.  President Reagan fired the air traffic controllers only after the controllers refused to return to work as per the Taft-Hartley Act.

“Oh, and don’t forget, McCain is ready to keep our troops in Iraq for 100 years.”

[RWC] I guess Mr. Yawor assumed we either didn’t know what Mr. McCain said or forgot.  Here’s how CNN reported Mr. McCain’s comment:  “Last month, at a town hall meeting in New Hampshire, a crowd member asked McCain about a Bush statement that troops could stay in Iraq for 50 years.  ‘Maybe 100,’ McCain replied.  ‘As long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed, it’s fine with me and I hope it would be fine with you if we maintain a presence in a very volatile part of the world where al Qaeda is training, recruiting, equipping and motivating people every single day.’”  As we all know, this is exactly the same strategy we followed at the end of World War II and the Korean War and we still have troops stationed in Germany, Japan, and South Korea.

“Belsky wrote that if we vote for someone like Obama or Casey, our land will become the land of the oppressed and meek.  This is the way Webster used oppressed: ‘Oppressed by the feeling of fear ... to keep down by the cruel use of power.’  What does he think President Bush did with his fear tactics so that he could use his power to go to war?”

[RWC] There’s a reason folks like Mr. Yawor stay away from providing details in their accusations.  Mr. Yawor knows that if he provided specifics, his points would be dissected easily.

“It is too bad that there are too many people like Belsky, Republican and Democrat, who put all the blame on the other guy when there is enough blame to be put on both sides.”

[RWC] If you’ve read Mr. Yawor’s letters for the last few years, you recognize the hypocrisy expressed in this sentence is breathtaking.  In all of the previous 11 Yawor letters I critiqued over the last three years, Mr. Yawor bashed Republicans exclusively – both generally and specifically – and never once said anything remotely similar to “there is enough blame to be put on both sides.”

“I am sorry to say that I think this country is more divided now than during the Vietnam War because of this administration.”

[RWC] Note how Mr. Yawor flip-flops from one paragraph to the next.  In the previous paragraph there was “enough blame to be put on both sides.”  In this paragraph, all of the problems Mr. Yawor perceives are the fault of President Bush.

Finally, I love it when leftists say things like “this country is more divided now than …”  Remember, these are the same people who appear to be genetically predisposed to placing people into victim groups defined by sex, skin color, ethnicity, wages, et cetera.

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