Alex Yawor – 2/17/10


This page was last updated on February 17, 2010.

Let’s put Golden Rule into practice; Alex Yawor; Beaver County Times; February 17, 2010.

Some of Mr. Yawor’s previous letters attempted to bash then-President Bush regarding Iraq and Iran, and then-VP Cheney regarding his hunting accident.  In a July 2006 letter, Mr. Yawor implied if you supported our action in Iraq, you were “eager to send our young to die in Iraq.”  Two of Mr. Yawor’s letters tried to elevate Jimmy Carter (here and here).

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“A few days ago, I was reading about some thoughts of President Thomas Jefferson and would like to give a few of my own.

“1. If you have good friends, make sure you keep them because they are worth their weight in gold.

“2. Do not take advantage of the one who helps you.

“3. Do not let greed take over your soul.

“4. Before making an accusation, make sure it is true.

“5. Help the poor, but not forever.

“6. Do not try to defend the whole world when the whole world hates you.

“7. Do not blame the school system for your child’s failure to learn when it is your fault as a parent.

“8. Marriage is a two-way street.  When it becomes a one-way street, eventually it will come to a dead end.

“9. Sitting at home complaining about politicians will not help, voting will.

“10. Politicians who blunder today will cost our children tomorrow.

“11. Don’t make promises you will not keep.

“12. If you see something being done that is wrong, do not remain silent.

“If everyone would use this thought, we would be living in a wonderful world: ‘Do unto others as you would others do unto you.’”

[RWC] Based on his letter-writing body of work, Mr. Yawor must be a masochist if he really wants others to do unto him what he does unto others.  Have you noticed the people who complain the most about bad treatment tend to be the ones who dish it out the most?

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