Vince Avedon – 10/21/10


This page was last updated on October 21, 2010.

Letter writer has selective recall; Vince Avedon; Beaver County Times; October 21, 2010.

As you read this, remember Mr. Avedon once wrote that a high school student who showed interest in enlisting in the Marines “was probably brought up to be a two-faced traitor to his country.”  From September 2004 through April 2008, Mr. Avedon wrote at least 37 letters.  As far as I can tell, this is Mr. Avedon’s first letter since April 2008.  Nearly all Avedon letters are attacks against anyone who doesn’t support leftist positions.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Republican Gov. Mike Huckabee pardoned Maurice Clemmons, who was sentenced to 95 years in prison.  On Nov. 29, 2009, Clemmons shot four police officers in cold blood.”

[RWC] This is at least the third Avedon letter with “selective recall” in the title.  The previous two letters were “Selective recall (10/1/06)” and “Selective recall (6/17/07).”

“Huckabee took it upon himself while governor of Arkansas to have a schedule of clemencies that worked out to one pardon every four days of his term.

“Letter writer Paul Dici conveniently skipped over this in his Tuesday letter to the editor (‘Vote GOP to take our country back’).”

[RWC] Mr. Avedon’s complaint should be directed at Lonzie Cox.  You see, Mr. Cox brought up Willie Horton, not Mr. Dici.  Mr. Dici simply responded to Mr. Cox’s letter.

“Dici’s letter self-portrays an extreme and inflexible approach, an ideology of confrontation that can be summed up in two words: Tea Party.  Dici allies himself with this network of self-described mad-as-hell revolutionaries taking back their country.”

[RWC] “Dici’s letter self-portrays an extreme and inflexible approach?”  Did Mr. Avedon read the same Dici letter I read?  Sounds like projection to me.

Since the tea party movement started, Mr. Dici wrote seven letters and only one of them (“Why weren’t left’s outrages reported?”; April 4, 2010) mentioned the Tea Party.  That one mention was “Lastly, with all of the supposedly demonstrations by the Tea Party attendees, who Park Police called the best behaved, why didn’t any of the hundreds of the news people get anything negative on tape?”  That letter was in response to the editorial “A not-so civil war.”  In this one letter alone, Mr. Avedon mentioned “Tea Party” four times as much as Mr. Dici did in all of his letters.

“The Tea Partiers do not have sole ownership of America.

“Business leaders prize pragmatism and stability; nothing of which Dici or the Tea Partiers promote.  Business people are realistic and moderate in their thought processes and prefer candidates who are not extreme.”

[RWC] I hope Mr. Avedon doesn’t get into trouble with his fellow travelers.  Lefties are supposed to demonize business.  Mr. Avedon didn’t tell us what he considers “extreme,” but I’ll go out on a limb and guess to him it means anyone who supports conservative principles.

“Americans should be worried about the Tea Party’s ability to get along with both Republicans and Democrats.”

[RWC] I don’t know about you, but “ability to get along” is not one of my criteria when voting.  Remember, to Mr. Avedon, getting along means Republicans checking their conservative principles at the Capitol door and supporting leftist policies and programs.

“Yes, get out and vote.  Vote for candidates who are not obstructionists.  Don’t vote for candidates who have nothing more than just a ‘take back my country’ platform.

[RWC] What a hoot!  The left ran on the “take back my country” slogan in 2006 and 2008, and added the equally lame “hope and change” in 2008.  That was all lefties had.  The translation of “Vote for candidates who are not obstructionists” is “vote for candidates who support leftist policies and programs.”  Once again I’ll go out on a limb and guess Mr. Avedon would be all for “obstructionists” who oppose conservative policies and programs.

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