Paul Dici – 10/19/10


This page was last updated on October 19, 2010.

Vote GOP to take our country back; Paul Dici; Beaver County Times; October 19, 2010.

Among Mr. Dici’s previous letters are “Democrats hate democracy,” “Clinton ‘stole’ gas tax,” and “Secret ballot offers union goons’ tactics.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Willie Horton was an unrepentant killer in prison who was given a ‘weekend pass’ by Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis.”

[RWC] This letter appears to be in response to a Lonzie Cox letter.

While Mr. Dukakis supported the weekend furlough program, he did not personally grant Mr. Horton’s furlough.

“While on his free-weekend, he viciously murdered a young boy.  This dangerously flawed policy was first brought to light by Al Gore.”

[RWC] Mr. Dici has the crime wrong.  About 10 months after not returning from his furlough, Mr. Horton raped a Maryland woman twice and beat and knifed her fiancé. 

“The insatiable appetite of unions, along with high workers’ compensation costs, closed plants and made this area the Rust Belt.”

[RWC] While these items were part of the problem, it’s an oversimplification to claim they were the only reasons.  There was plenty of blame to go around.  I covered the main points in a 2005 letter critique.

“I do agree with the maxim, ‘On Nov. 2, let’s take our country back.  Vote!’

“Since the White House, Senate and House have been under control of the Democrats for two years, you have to vote Republican to take it back.”

[RWC] Let’s remember Democrats have been the majority party in Congress for four years, not just the two years Mr. Dici mentioned, including a period with a filibuster-proof Senate.

Finally, merely electing Republican candidates won’t solve the problem.  Elected Republicans must govern using conservative principles or little – if anything - will change for the good.

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