William Bubb – 9/15/10


This page was last updated on September 15, 2010.

Learning that words have consequences; William Bubb; Beaver County Times; September 15, 2010.

Previous letters from Mr. Bubb were entitled “Virginia’s third senator,” “Marriage and GOP agenda,” “Paying at the pump” (10/10/07), and “A Franklin quote worth heeding” (4/22/09).

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“One thing we can learn from the Rev. Terry Jones is that you can’t un-ring a bell.

“Regardless of his decision not to, nor ever, burn a Quran, the damage was done - he had stated emphatically he would burn the Muslim sacred text.  The ripples of hatred he created spread around the globe, incited our enemies and pitched neighbor against neighbor.”

[RWC] Mr. Jones created hatred?  As I wrote in the critique cited below, “How many Korans did Mr. Jones [say he would] burn before 9/11, or before the 1993 WTC bombing, or before the recent bombing attempt in Times Square, et cetera?  For whatever reason, far too many Americans appear invested in the idea of blaming us for Islamist violence against us.”

“We are responsible for what we say or write.  The consequences of our communication must be considered.  A sign hung on the wall of a former employer said, ‘Be sure the brain is engaged before putting the mouth in gear.’

“As our society inches closer to extreme, polarizing intolerance, those words should be heeded.”

[RWC] My critique of “Prayer vigil” also covers this letter.

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