Mike Connifey – 9/13/12


This page was last updated on September 13, 2012.

Romney lies on welfare; Michael Connifey; Beaver County Times; September 13, 2012.

Mr. Connifey’s most recent previous letter was “Focus on Romney’s lies.”  Previous Connifey letters are here, here, and here.

This is Mr. Connifey’s fifth letter since June.  Four of the five letters are Romney-bashing exercises while the fifth bashed Republicans in general.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I appreciated the recent article on racial bias.  It has been said by some that Romney’s accusation that Obama removed the work requirement from welfare (he did not) was to appeal to white males.”

[RWC] I believe the article to which Mr. Connifey refers is “Does racial bias fuel Obama foes? How to tell?”

I covered Mr. Connifey’s assertion President Obama didn’t remove the work requirement from “welfare” (TANF) in my critique of “Focus on Romney’s lies.”

Note Mr. Connifey doesn’t tell us who “some” is.  Why?

“The thought is that upon seeing the word welfare, white males would automatically think of blacks.  Upon seeing that Obama has removed the work requirement (a lie that Romney has perpetuated in spite of fact-checkers noting that this is not true), they would become upset enough to get out and vote for Romney.”

[RWC] This sounds like projection on Mr. Connifey’s part.  That is, “upon seeing the word welfare … [Mr. Connifey himself] automatically think[s] of blacks” so he projects his behavior on others.  In case you missed it, Mr. Connifey not only smeared Mitt Romney, he smeared “white males” as well.

“At best, these white males would be voting for a liar.  At worst, they would be voting for a candidate who is not above race baiting.”

[RWC] If it weren’t a serious topic, I couldn’t help but laugh when a lefty complains about race baiting.  If Mr. Connifey is truly worried about “voting for a liar,” he should probably start fact-checking his own candidates.

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