Thomas M. Finch – 9/20/16


This page was last updated on October 4, 2016.

‘Faux’ News watchers attacked letter writer; Thomas M. Finch; Beaver County Times; September 20, 2016.

The BCT has published at least 40 letters from Mr. Finch (TMF) since December 2004.  At least 31 of these letters were anti-Bush and/or anti-Republican and they never disappoint.  Here is one example.  You can find the remaining Finch letters I critiqued in the critique archives.  As usual, this letter is little more than a string of leftist talking points.  I wish he could get a regular column in the BCT.  I also wish he could get at least five minutes per day on a local radio and/or TV station.  The most recent letter I reviewed was “GOP's fear-mongering doesn’t make Trump better.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I only have three comments to make.  If you are a Hillary-hating, ‘Faux’ News watcher, please pay attention.”

[RWC] What if I don’t want Hillary Clinton (HRC) to be President but I don’t hate her?

There are a lot more than “three comments” in this letter.

“1. Letter writer Mike Neeley’s [sic] vicious attack of letter writer Oren Spiegler was totally disproportionate to the nature of Spiegler’s implied offense.  To propose that his letter ‘...will disqualify his opinions from further publication...’ is typical of the fascist ideology that Trump represents.  Neeley’s contention that Spiegler is ‘full of contempt towards those who do not see things his way...’ is like the pot calling the kettle black, because that is exactly what Neeley’s letter does.  I’m guessing Spiegler wrote his letter before Trump’s ‘sincere’ good-will wishes for his opponent came to light.  He can’t be blamed because, for once, Trump went against his usual narcissistic bluster by doing something commendable.  It is such a rarity, how could anyone have predicted it?”

[RWC] I’ll go out on a limb and guess TMF doesn’t know what fascist means.

I disagree with Mr. Neely’s position that he hopes the BCT ceases publishing Spiegler letters.  It’s always been my opinion that the more people like Messrs. Spiegler (OMS) and TMF get exposure, the easier it is for me to make my points.

OMS “can’t be blamed” for smearing someone because his view of that person was wrong?

TMF should probably avoid accusing others of “narcissistic bluster.”

I hope TMF didn’t notice he conceded DT did “something commendable.”  TMF’s head could explode. <g>

“2. Letter writer Scott O’Hara also decided to lambast Spiegler, and attack Hillary Clinton, just for good measure.  If the label of ‘racist, Islamaphobe [sic], and xenophobe’ doesn’t fit, you shouldn’t take offense at being called that.  However, if you are that, feel free to vote your convictions and support Trump.  I’m hoping most people are smarter than that.”

[RWC] If you’re familiar with thin-skinned TMF’s body-of-work, you can’t help but laugh at his version of “sticks and stones …”  If anyone believes TMF wouldn’t “take offense at being called … racist, Islamaphobe [sic], and xenophobe” – true or not, I have a bridge to sell them.

In a previous letter attacking Mr. O’Hara, TMF wrote, “I’m always amazed when people decide to parade their personal opinions based solely on the right-wing lies told by ‘Faux’ News.”  The problem for TMF is Mr. O’Hara didn’t mention FNC or any other info source.  Likewise, TMF didn’t identify his own sources.

“3. As for letter writer Joanne Baird criticizing letter writer Cindi Kincaid for her correct assessment of Fox News, she certainly didn’t deserve Baird’s snide reply.  Her implication that MSNBC is somehow worse just goes to support what Kincaid originally stated — try to open your mind, and watch something other than ‘Faux’ News’ poison.  It just might teach you something.”

[RWC] Here is the Baird letter in its entirety: “Letter writer Cindi Kincaid is absolutely right.  You can’t be informed by watching just one channel.  She is living proof of that.  She needs to get rid of her addiction to MSNBC.”

Please read my review for details of the CK letter.

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