Thomas M. Finch – 8/11/17


This page was last updated on August 12, 2017.

How can we support such an inept president?; Thomas M. Finch; Beaver County Times; August 11, 2017.

The BCT has published at least 50 letters from Mr. Finch (TMF) since December 2004.  At least 31 of these letters were anti-Bush and/or anti-Republican and they never disappoint.  Here is one example.  You can find the remaining Finch letters I critiqued in the critique archives.  As usual, this letter is little more than a string of leftist talking points.  I wish he could get a regular column in the BCT.  I also wish he could get at least five minutes per day on a local radio and/or TV station.  The most recent Finch letters I reviewed were “‘Trumpcare’ means lousy coverage, higher premiums” and “Trump doesn’t deserve to be admired, supported.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I enjoyed the great letters recently in The Times illuminating Donald Trump’s embarrassing and woeful performance as president, but there are always ‘Faux-News’-watching enablers who still clamor for his support.”

[RWC] As you read this letter, remember TMF would be writing letters like this for any Republican president.  In TMF’s eyes, President Trump (DT) is just like any Republican except he presents a larger target.

“Maybe letter writer Rita Gavert can produce several million pairs of her rose-colored glasses so we can all look upon Trump’s accomplishments as favorably as she does.  All of his ‘increased job claims’ are easily debunked lies, unless you count employing billionaires and family members in his plutocratic inner circle.  Coal jobs?  Get serious.”

[RWC] When someone makes a claim, it’s his responsibility to prove the claim is true.  In this case, DT needs to prove his comments are true just as TMF must do for his claims.

I don’t know if TMF was alive at the time, but, as for “family members,” I’ll bet TMF would have been really angry when President Kennedy (D) appointed his brother Attorney General. <g>

“Wall Street - and the Dow Jones - never had it so good; why wouldn’t it be going up with no government restraint or regulations to rein in the greed of corporate America?  The stock market is cyclical; what goes up, must come down, and it will.  Will people then be blaming Trump for the downturns, or will he still be their hero?

[RWC] “no government restraint or regulations?”  On what planet?  Regarding monetary policy, the Fed has been monkeying around with interest rates and the money supply for years, but the President has no control over Fed policy.

Ignoring specific activities that can be linked to the economy, like decreasing/increasing tax rates, Presidents tend to get too much credit when the economy is good and too much blame when the economy is bad.  “Will people then be blaming Trump for the downturns, or will he still be their hero?  Who knows?  Lefties still blamed former-President George W. Bush for the economy during the Obama administration even though lefty programs were at the core of the “Great Recession.”

“How about all of the embarrassing mistakes and boneheaded moves he’s pulled so far?  Or are we just supposed to look past those and support him, like blind sheep being led to the slaughter?  Trump is an idiotic climate-change denier; none of the allegations against global warming - and the science that supports it - is believable to anyone with a working brain.”

[RWC] Please read “Manmade Global Warming.”

“Trump’s sabre-rattling bluster will do nothing to rein in North Korea and it certainly doesn’t scare the lunatic in command over there, which shows how inept the man is at any kind of tactful dialogue.  He’d rather risk nuclear confrontation.”

[RWC] I’m not a fan of loudmouths, but whatever then-President Obama’s approach (“tactful dialogue?”) was didn’t work and he had eight years.

TMF writing about “tactful dialogue?”  Given his letter-writing body of work, I hope this is a tongue-in-cheek comment.

“I cannot support a moron like that.”

[RWC] Here’s a movie quote that sums up my review.

“Mr. [Finch], what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.  At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought.  Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.  I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.” – Principal in the movie “Billy Madison” (1995). 

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