Robert W. Griffiths – 2/27/11


This page was last updated on February 27, 2011.

An awkward time for political stooges; Robert Griffiths; Beaver County Times; February 27, 2011.

Mr. Griffiths appears to be a Republican impersonator.  Since 2006, Mr. Griffiths identified himself as a Republican at least three times, but whenever he writes a letter of a political nature, Mr. Griffiths tends to support the Democrat party position.  The group of local Republican impersonators also includes Messrs. William A. Alexander, Arthur Brown, William G. Horter, Edward J. Hum, George Reese, and Oren M. Spiegler, all claiming to be disgruntled Republicans.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“This is an awkward time to be one of our elected corporate stooges in Washington, Harrisburg and other state capitols across the country.”

[RWC] What about elected labor union management stooges?

“Everything was going so smoothly for them, too.

“Take millions of dollars from corporations and rich donors.  Check.”

[RWC] What about “millions of dollars” via labor union management PACs?  During the 2010 campaign, labor union management PACs contributed over $62 million to federal candidates, 93% to Democrats.

“Outspend your opponent on sleazy TV ads and win election.  Check.

“Give the country away to your financial benefactors.  Check.

“Pass the bill on to the middle class.  Oops!  Where did the middle class go?

“To have been a fly on the wall when they realized the gravy train was derailing.  In all fairness, they’ve made a brilliant effort to blame the whole mess on public-sector workers.”

[RWC] This letter is confusing to me.  Given his letter-writing body of work, up to this paragraph it appeared Mr. Griffiths was going after Republicans using standard lefty talking points.  From here on the letter appears to go off the rails.

For example, in this paragraph, Mr. Griffiths refers to “the gravy train was derailing,” and that would appear to describe Democrats since they knew they were going to be clobbered in the election.  Mr. Griffiths then writes of “blam[ing] the whole mess on public-sector workers,” but as we all know Democrats can’t blame anything on labor unions.  The rest of the letter is equally weird.

“It doesn’t look, however, like that’s going to fly.  The strikes haven’t even started yet, and they’re already hiding in the woods to avoid voting.  Wait until the trash starts piling up on our streets.

“On a positive note, they still have 20 months before the next election to get us to go back to blaming all of our woes on the Mexicans and gay marriage.  That always works.”

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