George Reese – 10/24/06

This page was last updated on October 25, 2006.

Hart and Santorum must go; George Reese; Beaver County Times; October 24, 2006.

This is the second letter in a row in which Mr. Reese tried to fool us into believing he’s a Republican.  Do Messrs. Hum and Reese really believe they’re fooling anyone?

This is the second letter from a Republican impersonator today.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“This Republican has had enough.  It’s time for U.S. Rep. Melissa Hart and U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum to go.

“My deep concern as a veteran of World War II is for the care of current and future veterans.

“Will future veterans from the Iraq War be poorly treated like thousands of veterans from past wars, primarily Vietnam?  Will poor decisions by the VA and Congress follow our maimed soldiers coming home from Iraq with missing limbs, blinded eyes and other serious wounds?

“Thousands of soldiers are returning from Iraq with post traumatic stress syndrome.  Will it be harder for them to qualify for VA health care?  PTSS was fully discussed in the recent American Legion magazine, and the odds for future care for many of these unfortunate victims do not look good.

“How could Hart and Santorum, who concur with President Bush’s war of choice in Iraq, vote against funds for veterans’ services and health care?  Santorum did at least seven times.  How heartless can one get?”

[RWC] Check the record and you find the picture Mr. Reese is trying to paint is BS.  I’ve covered VA spending in previous critiques and here are the facts.  A review of the 2006 federal budget showed Department of Veterans Affairs spending increased approximately 51% under President Bush (five years) vs. approximately 27% under Bill Clinton (eight years).  The proposed 2007 budget increased VA spending by 4.9%.

“Therefore, I ask other Republicans and our veterans to join with me in voting for Bob Casey for U.S. senator and Jason Altimeter [sic] for the 4th Congressional District.”

[RWC] Who is Jason Altimeter?  The correct name is Jason Altmire.  Geez, you’d think Mr. Reese would know how to spell the names of his candidates.

In case you’re keeping track, during this election season “Republican” George Reese has endorsed three Democrats and told us two Republican incumbents must go.

Mr. Reese continues the trend I identified weeks ago.  To date, not a single Hart- and/or Santorum-bashing letter has told us why we should vote for their opponents.

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