Jack Krchmar – 3/19/07

This page was last updated on March 19, 2007.

Put blame for war on Bush; Jack Krchmar; Beaver County Times; March 19, 2007.

In previous letters, Mr. Krchmar claimed the rights of smokers are being violated and told us President Bush is on an “ego trip.”

This letter is of the same quality as the two letters it references.

Below is a detailed critique of the letter.

“In response to James Nagy’s March 6 letter to the editor (‘Reasons for impeachment’), I think there are many reasons for impeachment - lying, ignoring the Constitution and invading a country that was no threat to the United States just to mention a few.

“They impeached President Clinton, one of our best presidents, on a personal matter.  This did not cause death to American people or violate their rights.”

[RWC] Mr. Krchmar has a flawed memory.  Bill Clinton was not impeached “on a personal matter.”  Mr. Clinton was impeached for perjury and suborning perjury.

“Letter writer Peter Homitz blamed Democrats for war in Iraq (March 11).  It was a Republican-controlled Congress that voted to go with Bush’s decision to invade Iraq.

“True, Democrats and the American people thought we had just cause to go to war.  We were told that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, was a threat to America and that if we didn’t fight them over there they will come here.

“None of these statements proved to be true.”

[RWC] While Mr. Krchmar’s memory tells him Bill Clinton was “one of our best presidents,” it fails to remember the Clinton administration made the same assessments.

“The reasons for this war were oil and to get Saddam Hussein for trying to kill President Bush’s father.  Bush wanted to go to Iraq before Sept. 11, 2001, and Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.  Most of the terrorists who destroyed our towers and killed thousands of our people were from Saudi Arabia.”

[RWC] This is just talking point nonsense.  You’ll note Mr. Krchmar presents no evidence to support his allegations against President Bush.

In a previous letter, Mr. Krchmar said we’re in Iraq because of President Bush’s “ego trip because his father didn’t finish the job.”  Which is it, Mr. Krchmar, because Saddam Hussein tried to kill President Bush’s father or “because his father didn’t finish the job?”  It would be nice if you could make up your mind.

“We have already lost enough lives in Bush’s war, and still he sends thousands more to be killed and wounded.  It’s time to get out of Iraq and let them solve their own problems.  This is a war that can’t be won.  It’s a civil war.  Peace and democracy in Iraq will not happen.”

[RWC] Iraq is not “Bush’s war.”  As Americans, it is our war.

We’ve been in Germany and Japan for more than 60 years.  Where’s Mr. Krchmar’s call to leave those countries?

What about Kosovo?  “One of our best presidents” committed U.S. troops to “a country that was no threat to the United States.”  Where’s Mr. Krchmar’s call to remove them and try the president who sent them?

“Let’s not blame Democrats for this war.  Let’s put the blame where it belongs - on Bush and his administration.”

[RWC] As I noted in my critique of the Homitz letter, “Has it occurred to folks … neither Democrats nor Republicans are ‘to blame?’  Why are so many of us willing to blame America first instead of looking at our enemies?”

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