Angie O’Dell – 4/13/08

This page was last updated on April 13, 2008.

Who is benefiting from Iraq?; Angie O’Dell; Beaver County Times; April 13, 2008.

In her previous letters, Ms. O’Dell accused the Bush administration of “leaking” classified information to discredit Joe Wilson, told us a drop of energy prices was the result of a conspiracy, merely listed Democrat/liberal talking points, and jumped on the “Jena Six” bandwagon.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“There have been two dog-and-pony shows before Congress recently.

“First, big oil executives appeared and explained why nothing is going to change — ever.

“Second, Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker appeared and explained why nothing is going to change in Iraq — ever.

“Both groups, in essence, told Congress to ‘shove it.’”

[RWC] Did Ms. O’Dell get an accurate review of the testimony?  Never mind; it wouldn’t have mattered.

“Curiously, both groups — big oil and the military-industrial complex — have their interest tied to Iraq, and those interests have resulted in the dire financial straits of the middle class and the poorest of the American citizenry.”

[RWC] Ms. O’Dell isn’t using the old “war for oil” chestnut, is she?  Notice Ms. O’Dell doesn’t tell us how “those interests have resulted in the dire financial straits of the middle class and the poorest of the American citizenry.”  That’s because Ms. O’Dell is simply repeating talking points.

It’s been a while since I’ve heard anyone refer to “the military-industrial complex” outside of a historical context.

“My question: Who is running the asylum?”

[RWC] Hmm, I thought it was the Democrats since they’ve controlled Congress for over 15 months.

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