Jewel Robertson – 12/20/09

This page was last updated on January 2, 2010.

Don’t be so quick to cast first stone; Jewel Robertson; Beaver County Times; December 20, 2009.

Until January 2007, Ms. Robertson’s letters (here, here, here, and here) focused on bashing President Bush.  In her first letter, Ms. Robertson opined that President Bush could be listening to Satan.  That tells us much of what we need to know about Ms. Robertson.  Since January 2007, race has been a regular feature of her letters.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Seemingly, Tiger Woods confessed his transgressions (sins) to the wrong people.

“He will remember that only God forgives sins.  Of course, I do believe Woods was doing what he saw those in his company do to be right.”

[RWC] Is Ms. Robertson implying, as a group, golfers tend to cheat on their wives and families and Mr. Woods was only doing what fellow golfers were doing?

“How can what started out as a mere traffic incident turn out to be a marital dispute?  Romans 3:23 reads, ‘For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.’

“Man cannot take away his ability to play golf, only the incentives.  He will learn that every good and perfect gift comes from God.

“Woods changed the world of golf.  Now we learn that he is only a mere man, not perfect and subject to make mistakes.  The allegations about him were put together so quickly, it makes you wonder how much is truth or lies.”

[RWC] I agree with the last sentence.  While Mr. Woods’ “confession” indicates at least some infidelity was involved, we don’t really know the extent and some of the allegations seem questionable.  Then again, perhaps I’m naïve; I didn’t believe then-President Clinton did what he did until I learned about the blue dress.

“If Woods has learned nothing else, he has learned a valuable lesson on friends and business partners.

“It was man who saw him squeaky clean and then it was man who deemed him to be dirty.

“To conclude, ‘Let him who has not sinned cast the first stone.’”

[RWC] Perhaps then-President Bush should have cheated on his wife and family instead of having different political positions than Ms. Robertson.  In that case it appears Ms. Robertson would have been more understanding.

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