Ann Stanton – 10/28/10


This page was last updated on October 29, 2010.

Nothing wrong in helping others; Ann Stanton; Beaver County Times; October 28, 2010.

Previous letters from Ms. Stanton are here, here, here, here, and here.  They show Ms. Stanton is a believer in a government-run, taxpayer-funded healthcare monopoly.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“It’s interesting to see letter writer Mike Stuban is once again blaming every problem in the country on the Democrats (‘Election choices are clear this year,’ Tuesday).

“This country is currently trying to climb out of the enormous economic problems that were caused by the previous administration with continuous spending on a never-ending war.”

[RWC] It’s true we spent too much during the Bush administration, but we need to remember Democrats wanted to spend even more.  Folks like Ms. Stanton tend to forget that nugget.  Did Democrats filibuster spending bills because they spent too much?  Nope.  Did spending go down after Democrats became the majority in both houses of Congress in 2007?  Nope.  As for “the enormous economic problems” we face, Ms. Stanton appears to forget the subprime lending mess that was a darling of the left.

“Stuban refers to ethics problems with Democrats, but unethical behavior has been around forever and has involved all political parties.

“He continues to talk about our new health-care reform bill but he doesn’t state who is footing the bill for his health insurance.”

[RWC] Why does it matter who pays for Mr. Stuban’s healthcare?  For the record, I pay for my healthcare 100% out of my own pocket.

“He also feels that we should all take personal responsibility, and most people probably do that, but I grew up in a time when people were there for each other.  We were taught that there is nothing wrong with helping someone who is struggling because of unemployment, illness, economic problems or a family tragedy.

“And, yes, many times government programs are necessary to come to the aid of those in need.”

[RWC] Was Ms. Stanton also taught it’s OK for government to take from one family to give to another family?  The left and right approach “helping” people differently.  The left believes “help” must come from government by confiscating from some individuals and giving it those in favored groups.  There is nothing compassionate about the government taking from one family’s paycheck to give to someone who didn’t earn it.  There’s nothing altruistic or charitable in “robbing Peter to pay Paul.”  The right believes we help everyone when we maximize effective individual liberty.  That means letting people keep what they earn and letting them decide how to distribute the fruits of their labor.  The more a person gets to keep of his paycheck, the more he has to help others voluntarily.  Compassion is when a person freely chooses to use his own paycheck to help someone in need.  Should people in need get help?  Of course, but from private charities funded by voluntary contributions, not by confiscated earnings.

“Maybe it’s time for the country to return to those values, but don’t rely on the Republicans to do that for most of us.”

[RWC] Blah, blah, blah.

How many of Ms. Stanton’s social programs did Republicans eliminate during the Bush administration?  To the best of my recollection, none.  How many social programs were upsized during the Bush administration?  At least three, the No Child Left Behind Act, tariffs on foreign-made steel, and Medicare Part D.  All of those programs were wrong, but they should have been to Ms. Stanton’s leftist liking.

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