Alex Yawor – 8/30/06

This page was last updated on August 30, 2006.

Dragged through the mud; Alex Yawor; Beaver County Times; August 30, 2006.

Mr. Yawor’s previous letters attempted to bash President Bush regarding Iraq and Iran, and VP Cheney regarding his hunting accident.  In his most recent letter, Mr. Yawor implied if you support our action in Iraq, you are “eager to send our young to die in Iraq.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“After reading Paul Dici’s letter, I hang my head in shame.  As a Democrat, I am the cause of all our problems.”

[RWC] Mr. Dici is getting what he deserves.  Of course, Mr. Yawor also sets himself up for ridicule, as you’ll see below.  That said, I doubt he cares given the predictable content of his letters.

“I am sorry we are losing thousands of jobs to foreign countries, that gas prices are high, that people can’t pay for their prescription drugs and can’t afford insurance.”

[RWC] If “we are losing thousands of jobs to foreign countries,” perhaps Mr. Yawor can explain how we are at “full employment” despite the fact we have about 10,000,000 illegal aliens “doing the jobs Americans won’t do.”

“Sorry our children’s education is on the downside, that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, that in the near future there will not be a middle class, only the rich and the poor.

“Sorry that I am the cause of the war in Iraq and the death of our troops, for the thousands of Iraqi people who are dying because of this war, for losing thousands of people in our area.

“I am sorry that God is angry at me and is causing all of the death and destruction in our country by storms.

“Most of all, I am sorry I am a Democrat because I am causing all of these problems.”

[RWC] As you’ve seen, Mr. Dici’s letter pretty much stuck solely to national security.  I don’t know where Mr. Yawor got the rest of this stuff.

“I am going to change my registration to Republican, and all Democrats and the Independents should do the same.  Then we will all become pure of heart and do-no-wrong people, and our country and the world will turn into one large Utopia.”

[RWC] Like the utopia of New Orleans?

“Since we will have only one party, there is no need for an election.  Why not have a monarchy and G.W. Bush can be our king?

“Dici said ‘Democrats hate democracy but love dictators.’  Then why did thousands of us die fighting some dictators during World War Two?  I feel that is an insult to the Democrats who served and to the ones who died for our freedom.

“Because of other Democrats and me who served and died some 64 years ago, he now can drag me through the mud because I am a ‘Democrat.’”

[RWC] Nice try, Mr. Yawor, but when it comes to national security, there are no similarities between WWII Democrats and today’s Democrat leadership.  Today’s Democrat leadership is not your father’s Democrat leadership.  Mr. Yawor should know this because he claims to be a WWII Marine Corps veteran.

You’ll note Mr. Yawor didn’t address the Democrat love affair with Castro and Chavez mentioned by Mr. Dici.

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