Alex Yawor – 3/17/10


This page was last updated on March 17, 2010.

GOP candidate has memory loss; Alex Yawor; Beaver County Times; March 17, 2010.

Some of Mr. Yawor’s previous letters attempted to bash then-President Bush regarding Iraq and Iran, and then-VP Cheney regarding his hunting accident.  In a July 2006 letter, Mr. Yawor implied if you supported our action in Iraq, you were “eager to send our young to die in Iraq.”  Two of Mr. Yawor’s letters tried to elevate Jimmy Carter (here and here).  Mr. Yawor has been a busy writer in 2010; this is Mr. Yawor’s sixth letter in only 2½ months.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“In response to Friday’s page-one article about GOP senatorial hopeful Pat Toomey blasting President Barack Obama for bailing out big corporations and giving money to keep automakers afloat:”

[RWC] As you read this you will see Mr. Yawor’s tactic is to bash Mr. Bush and attach his actions to Mr. Toomey.  In doing so, Mr. Yawor “has memory loss” and conveniently ignores the fact ran Mr. Toomey against the PA GOP’s preferred candidate (Sen. Arlen Specter) in the 2004 primary and Mr. Bush and then-Sen. Rick Santorum supported Democrat-turned-Republican (and now Democrat again) Mr. Specter, not Mr. Toomey.  Oops.

“So what else is new?

“Toomey’s memory loss at this point?  President George W. Bush signed into law a $700-billion plan to rescue the U.S. financial system.  He even praised Congress for passing the law.

“On Dec. 19, 2008, Bush threw GM and Chrysler what they called at that time a $17.4 billion lifeline - a bailout.”

[RWC] What Mr. Yawor doesn’t want us to know, or doesn’t know himself, is Mr. Toomey (and most conservatives) opposed both of these bailouts from the beginning.  Oops #2.  This is another example of why Mr. Yawor could not attack Mr. Toomey directly and wants us to believe Mr. Toomey = Mr. Bush.

What’s “funny” about Mr. Yawor bashing Mr. Bush for TARP and the GM/Chrysler bailout is Mr. Yawor completely ignores the fact Barack Obama completely supported/supports both programs.  Of course, don’t expect Mr. Yawor to bash Mr. Obama for the same things he bashed/bashes Mr. Bush.  Earlier this year Mr. Yawor wrote three letters within a month defending Mr. Obama.

“Toomey is happy that some Americans are opposing the government?  When we opposed the Bush wars, we were called traitors.  So the ones who are opposing the government now, are they also traitors?”

[RWC] This is BS coming from a guy who implied if you supported our action in Iraq, you were “eager to send our young to die in Iraq.”  I haven’t seen Mr. Yawor make the same comment about Mr. Obama’s Afghanistan policies and surge.

Note how Mr. Yawor refers to “the Bush wars.”  Ignoring the fact they are American wars, not any president’s, shouldn’t Mr. Yawor now refer to these wars as “the Obama wars?”  After all, the Obama administration is following exactly the Bush administration plan for Iraq (and VP Joe Biden believes it’s an Obama administration success story) and has escalated the war in Afghanistan with a troop surge.  Does anyone believe Mr. Yawor refers to the Korean and Vietnam wars as the Truman and Kennedy wars, respectively?

“Toomey said Obama is increasing our nation’s debt?  Another memory loss.  I guess the $5 trillion Bush put us further in debt on his watch doesn’t count.”

[RWC] Mr. Toomey is a fiscal conservative with consistently good ratings from the American Conservative Union (lifetime House rating of 97%), Citizens Against Government Waste (95% in 2003), a lifetime “A” from the National Taxpayers Union, and a “bad” Liberal Quotient (good for conservatives) of 5.8% from Americans for Democratic Action.  Oops #3.

“Toomey also said Obama should give Americans tax cuts.  Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn’t our government run on the taxes it receives?  So if the money stops coming in because of all the tax cuts the Republicans want to give, will the government stop running.”

[RWC] OK, Mr. Yawor, I’m correcting you.  Check history and you will find tax RATE cuts (increased economic freedom) always result in greater economic activity and greater economic activity generates more tax revenue.  For example, the so-called “Bush” tax RATE cuts resulted in record federal tax revenue.

Second, we need to cut spending, and seriously.  Inadequate tax revenue has never been our problem; excessive spending is.

“It is a shame that so many people fall for the Republican propaganda machines.”

[RWC] It is a shame that so many people fall for leftist propaganda machines like Mr. Yawor.

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