Alex Yawor – 11/7/10


This page was last updated on November 8, 2010.

Republicans ignore Bush’s presidency; Alex Yawor; Beaver County Times; November 7, 2010.

Some of Mr. Yawor’s previous letters attempted to bash then-President Bush regarding Iraq and Iran, and then-VP Cheney regarding his hunting accident.  In a July 2006 letter, Mr. Yawor implied if you supported our action in Iraq, you were “eager to send our young to die in Iraq.”  Two of Mr. Yawor’s letters tried to elevate Jimmy Carter (here and here).  Mr. Yawor has been a busy writer in 2010; this is Mr. Yawor’s eighth letter so far this year.  The last Yawor letter I critiqued was entitled “GOP candidate has memory loss.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Here is something else the Republicans can blame on President Barack Obama, like many other lies they have said about him - the laying off of 25 workers and sending their jobs to India by Heritage Valley.”

[RWC] Note Mr. Yawor didn’t tell us the “many other lies” Republicans allegedly said about Mr. Obama.

“This may even cause me to change doctors to ones who work out of another hospital.”

[RWC] Mr. Yawor may be in for quite a drive if he does.  I believe the two hospitals closest to Mr. Yawor are both Heritage Valley facilities (The Medical Center and Sewickley Valley).

“But if I did that, I would be putting myself in the same class as Heritage Valley and hundreds of other companies in this country.”

[RWC] This sentence makes no sense since the next paragraph appears to imply “Heritage Valley and hundreds of other companies in this country” base their decisions on “greed, greed, greed.”  How would Mr. Yawor going to a different hospital be the result of “greed, greed, greed?”

“Who knows the real reason for Heritage Valley doing what it did.  The real reason for the hundreds of other companies is greed, greed, greed.

“The sad fact is that American corporate executives think only in terms of making money.  They do not think of the social and economic effects they have on America’s economy and on Americans themselves.”

[RWC] Businesses have a fiduciary responsibility to its owners (including you, me, and pension funds).  Businesses make the decisions they need to in order to survive and succeed.  Otherwise, they close up shop and/or go into bankruptcy.  Would Mr. Yawor prefer businesses continue to operate in the U.S. until they (we shareholders) go bust?  Other than the lefty cries of “greed, greed, greed,” Mr. Yawor never addresses what government and labor union management actions may be responsible.  I guess it’s just easier to paint business as bad guys.

Folks like Mr. Yawor seem to believe being pro-business and pro-employee are mutually exclusive positions.  That would have been news to Samuel Gompers, father of the American labor movement, founder of the American Federation of Labor (AFL), and AFL president for 38 years until his death.  Mr. Gompers once said, “The worst crime against working people is a company that fails to operate at a profit.”  You can find other quotes from Mr. Gompers at “Labor Unions.”

“Republicans blame Obama for all of our problems.  On whose watch were two wars started and on whose watch did the recession begin?”

[RWC] “Republicans blame Obama for all of our problems?”  What a hoot!  Does Mr. Yawor forget he and other Democrats blamed Mr. Bush “for all of our problems” for the entire length of the Bush administration?  All the while Mr. Yawor bashed Mr. Bush, he failed to note the Bush administration also inherited a recession.

As for the wars, wars started during the administrations of Democrats Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Harry Truman, and JFK.

“It was on Bush’s watch that we lost more than a million jobs to overseas countries.  Now, they are also trying to blame that on Obama.”

[RWC] My experience is you need to check Mr. Yawor’s “facts.”  In any case, which specific Bush administration policies/programs sent jobs to other countries?  Before the current recession caused by lefty housing policies/programs, unemployment dropped to 4.4% during the Bush administration in April 2007.  Around 5% is considered “full employment.”

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