Alex Yawor – 5/9/11


This page was last updated on May 11, 2011.

CEOS are not saints; Alex Yawor; Beaver County Times; May 10, 2011.

Mr. Yawor wrote at least 36 letters since 2005.  This is at least the 14th letter from Mr. Yawor since 1/3/10 and the forth this year.  Some of Mr. Yawor’s previous letters attempted to bash then-President Bush regarding Iraq and Iran, and then-VP Cheney regarding his hunting accident.  In a July 2006 letter, Mr. Yawor implied if you supported our action in Iraq, you were “eager to send our young to die in Iraq.”  Two of Mr. Yawor’s letters tried to elevate Jimmy Carter (here and here).  The last Yawor letter I critiqued was entitled “History gets in way of arguments.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I have a confession.  It’s my fault that jobs are going overseas, that thousands of you can’t find a decent-paying job so you can have the American dream.

“A dream that you can have a nice home, a job that pays enough to give your son tens of thousands of dollars so he can get a education good enough to become a CEO.

“Because of my greed, people are starving and even committing suicide because of losing their life savings.

“So do not blame the poor CEO who has to spend time from home and has so much pressure on him to make his company perform well enough to make billions of dollars so he can make a salary of millions of dollars.

“Please do not blame the people in Washington.  You and I know they are doing their best to help all of you.

“If I may I speculate, as the writer of ‘CEOs work hard for their money,’ April 27 did, and say that he has a good job and doesn’t have to worry where his next meal is coming from.”

[RWC] So the validity of a person’s opinion on this topic depends on his employment status?  This is the same tactic we see with abortion for convenience (If you oppose it, your opinion is invalid unless you’re a woman who had an abortion.) and military action (If you support it, your opinion is invalid unless you’ve been in combat.).  I guess this means you can’t have an opinion about murder unless you’re a murder victim. <g>

“Because if he has lost his job and cannot find another one, I don’t think he would have made a CEO look like a saint.”

[RWC] I read the subject letter and the writer didn’t make “a CEO look like a saint.”  Here’s the paragraph I guess Mr. Yawor is wound up about: “But let’s not forget the hard work and huge sacrifices these CEOs have had to make.  Most CEOs are well educated, typically costing them tens of thousands of dollars, have spent weeks away from home, and have enormous pressure on their shoulders to make their company perform well.”  That’s true for most CEOs.  Folks like Mr. Yawor simply need someone to blame for the shortcomings of their own ideology.

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